I got three coins the first day, but only two today... the coin thieves quest did not give me a snake coin, but the other two did. Trying to remember if there has been a bug like this in the past... that they fixed for the other two (older) quests...
I checked in the dungeon store in pirate's skyhold, and it looks like you can't save up and buy the legendary or mythic sets at all, which supports what plasticbat said (buying the epic ones instead). Also, I did get some epic trousers from a heroic encounter. Hooray! They're nothing special, but at least they do drop.
I was looking at these yesterday... collections say they drop from HEs, but they don't. The campaign store sells them, but it looks like you need the dungeon currency to buy them. And there are two other sets of clothing that do come from the dungeon... so not sure why a dungeoneer would buy these instead. It sounds like…
The more recent patch notes are available in the NEWS link at the top the page. You can click "patch notes" to just select those entries... I'm going there now... since today's update seems to be a long one.
That sounds like it could be the reason... I remember the eggs in Northdark Reaches were the same... if you destroy it entirely then no spiderlings come out.
Is that quest about killing eggs? I thought it was about squashing 20 spiderlings that come out of the eggs and then run around. I will read it more carefully next time... Also, I have gained credit for that quest while being somewhere else on the map...
If you start in the main hub and take the bridge out to the right (east), then explore round the far end of the bridge... there are some places you can climb over the landscape. One of them lets you drop through a hole... and after some clambering, you can drop down onto the quest platform from above. I'm not saying it's…
Mine got into this state after I collected the first premium only reward... now the indicator is lit up and there is nothing to collect. I haven't got to 4000 yet.
If you buy the sky pirate pack, the sky pirate title pack within awards you the natty title "< STUB > M30 Title" =) (I had to add spaces either side of STUB for it to show in the forum)
Proc means "trigger" in this context. I think it comes from "procedure", which is how a callable piece of code is described in some programming languages. When something happens in the game, the procedure that implements an effect is called... it is said to "proc". Basically, any effect that happens in response to…
Well, it sounds like mysterious dragon eggs will be coming back in some form... maybe they will refresh the gear in the dragonslayer campaign store, and then we can spend the shards there? Some of the existing gear is still good, so players who are working to buy it still need some strands. And the chromatic ones can be…
We don't have to build our characters trying to maximise offensive stats... I like trying to have things a bit more balanced. I'm not sure we will get the new stats distribution on enchantments now, but if we do, I think it could be interesting to see what can be done with mixtures of old and new enchants, including the…
Yes... after a module has finished it would be great to relax the ways that rewards could be obtained. Maybe things like* Allow rewards to be earned by grind as well as difficulty... e.g. drop advanced/master currency from the regular version of the dungeon. * Unbind dungeon drops for sale on the auction house. * Remove…
On the other hand, the rewards from past campaigns like this have been appearing in choice packs that are given as part of events or newer campaigns (now with repeatable overflow rewards, including such choice packs), so there might be other ways to get the same items.
When you say gear, I'm thinking about armour, weapons, accessories, artifacts and enchantments. But will this apply to all new sources of stats? Things like insignia, companion and mount bonuses, boons? BTW, you listed 13 current scaling factors and said the value 10 would represent no change. The scale factors add up to…
I haven't seen anything like this, and it does seem like if there was a problem with the server certificate then it would affect everyone. If you view the certificate, does it say the name of the server? And, do you have on-demand patching enabled? (I don't).
Yes, the black ice drops from monsters did stop in Kessel's retreat... but I think you get some at the end (now I'm not sure if that's raw or refined...) I think you also get some for Biggrin's tomb, and maybe also for the Need for Mead.
Yes, you have to do both... I think it must have always been like that. I will say though, you can often achieve the raw black ice part along the way by doing other quests that reward raw black ice... you don't have to use the pick to chip away at the outcrops.
Yes, and depending on what you're refining, you might be protecting three slots, so it can quickly add up. Using motes helps, but it's reasonably often that it uses the max amount of attempts.
I found it in collections under epic PVP equipment. It says it comes (came) from the trade of blades and then you make it elemental using elemental infusion (which used to be like a crafting profession). I will check in the adventurer's guild vendors... but I bet it's not there. Had a quick look, couldn't see it.
They do drop from the commanders, but rarely. And even it happens, you can get a duplicate. And they're bound, so you can't sell your duplicates or buy anyone else's. It will take ages to complete this part of collections :( Not like the other rare drops (companion gear and the artifact set)... these can be sold on the…
Do you mean the cost for the next rank of a boon? The top two levels of boons have an increasing cost each time you spend boon points... so the next increase could cost 3 or 5 boon points. I think the system is buggy though...
Ahhh, and that's the one where we are rewarded some of the currency as part of the campaign isn't it? It seems like however careful we are, there are still traps to fall into :(