If you characters appearance is based on items removed from character creation when they released mod 3 a reroll will not allow you to keep the appearance even if same race (those items no longer exist in the creator data). No matter what changing race will not allow for a preset to be stored even if post mod 3 items used.
You think its shrill here, you should see what's being said in blogs and on gaming sites. Bottom line, they made a really bad decision, making the Dragonborn a payed race though is not where I take issue. The mistake was to put the price point way beyond reasonable for what was included. I bought the Guardian Pack and the…
In all the campaigns I have run over the last 32 years (yes I have been playing that long) I have allowed certain players to have a form of Artifact Guns. The design is pretty simplistic, it looks like a flintlock and fires magic missiles, but you don't have to be a caster to use it. It does the same damage as the spell…
I wish, but I fear that won't happen this time. I actually had a good plan for it, make the pack ones have access to the breath weapons (would take up one of the encounter slots, so players choice if they sacrificed the slot for it, but its a breath weapon!), and the free version be just like the one in the pack now.
I do agree the price is foolish, especially compare to say the Feywild one, which gave you a race and far better extra items then this one is, and was $40 cheaper. If it had been 59.99 I wouldn't even have complained, but $100 (even with $75 sale price) with what's in it is outrageous. I wouldn't mind paying for just the…
I have only used this feature to upgrade the free green stone I have as an account wide unlock to blue on all my characters for the 3rd item slot. Other then that the bonus for upgrading isn't that great unless you have one that you really want the Lvl 30 ability on, like the Paladin Ghost or the Acolyte (only 2 I can…
If you solo AT ALL the Angel will be your best friend, especially with the Level 30 power it has. Also great for CTA since pulling agro isn't an issue since they all come for you any way. The pet equip bonus is great with Soulforge and the Pheora as some one else has said. I tend to solo a lot and this is the only pet I…
I thought that was solved when some one from WOTC finally said that even though the original Dragonborn might have been hatched once the population was high enough to breed the resulting generations are all live birth not egg, hence the need for mothers milk. More importantly we are at 36 pages (probably 40 if it hadn't…
Depending on which version they use the answer might not be as straight forward. From the D&D Wiki: The scales a dragonborn wears are scarlet, gold, rust, ocher, bronze, or brown in hue and they in fact bear little correlation to the scale colors of true dragons.
I don't expect it to be that hard, since I don't think they will be as prevalent at that price point, plus I mainly solo only grouping to run occasional dungeons that I form the teams for allowing me to micro manage the composition of the group.
I was using it in a more ironic term since it will be an in game race that people would be avoiding, what ever you call it, I can assure you I will most likely not be the only person doing it. In my case its not even the fact that they could afford it and I couldn't. More power to them for having a good disposable income,…
Even though no dev has said anything here one of them did post on the reddit thread that is about this topic. He tried his best to calm the firestorm over there but he failed. He had a valid argument and I would accept this argument if they had priced this at 59.99 like the Feywild and Guardian packs I bought, in fact if…
Even if that's true you only get 1 on a single character (not account wide) and it still doesn't make up for the price or the fact you have to pay to play a race.
^ this^ - If we were keeping score of the thread it is what now - maybe 2 for worth it, 98 for not worth it (numbers are generalizations but you see my point).
That's all fine and good - but the other pack like this they released were a lot less expensive with much better stuff, we at least deserve consistency. Here is my main problem: We were promised in the beginning never to have to pay for content (you might disagree but to probably 90% of us a race IS content) in this game,…
I also wouldn't be opposed to a lower price pack that unlocks the race. I would happily give $20 dollars for the unlock. Though like Iam said above and I said earlier in the thread, they have backed themselves into a corner if they offer the race another way those that spent the absurd amount of money on the pack will go…
^ this ^ is exactly it - as I said above right now its a large number of forum goers and some people in game already unhappy about it, when the general populace realizes there is no other way to get the race the anger we have seen so far will be minor compared to the overall reaction.
Well obviously some of my previous post were deemed too negative, so I will save that rhetoric for various blogs and gaming sites. Bottom line: The price as it stands is way to high to make it worth getting especially with what is included in the pack. As such it is alienating a large amount of the player base, this number…
Actually the mods are asleep at this moment, but it will be erased soon. I would suggest posting your disapproval in the main announcement thread, its where the rest of us are raging, 27 pages of raging to be precise. Feel free to join us, you are not alone in your feelings, but the mods are trying to keep it to one…
I was thinking this also, the only way they could do it is make it take up one of the encounter slot powers (which it pretty much does in 4e from what I have read). If they had done it then they could have easily made that the difference between a pack version and a f2p version. If people want the breath weapon they buy…
Here is the problem with that statement, if they did decide to make the race F2P at some point the people who DID buy this pack will be out for blood! In the case of the Drow they let people know up front it would be F2P but people buying the pack got a slightly different version a lot earlier, those people made an…
Amenar already clarified with the Dev post earlier in this thread - "Dragonborn get +2 to any 2 stats, you get to pick which 2 during character creation. You cannot pick the same stat twice"
Well now we have the answers to the race and pack questions, and we are all the worse for it! How many of these stupid things will I keep letting PWE get away with before I finally have enough and leave? It getting closer every time something like this is announced....
The Warlocks have a class quest line - though as of right now the contact for all the quests is standing in PE and most of them haven't been activated yet - but at least she exists!
This might change at some point when yet another race is added, but even the 5th Edition Rules treat Elf and Drow as completely separate races. Now in 5th edition the Eladrin are just subsets of Elf though along with Wood and High (though technically the Eladrin are grouped in with the High elves).