obviously it is a shard problem that to much traffic is going on and the shards cant handle it.. mostly it is when you are constantly changing toons to do stuff or exchanging stuff. i find that out a lot when i am going from one toon to another to pray.maybe data is lost or slow because of it or the ping rate is lagging…
sorry to say folks but the chance of winning a leg mount is 0.04 percent so a bird told me and if you cant do math that is for every lockbox you open and does not stack lol .. better of buying leg mount then keys lol
you know guys the amount you spend on this game could be better spend on food and cloths? get real why complain about something if your still gonna do it?pay to play is just that nothing more..when you do complain do you get a ubsurd reward or jusy a excuse saying go to this site and complain some more?come back to reality…
hey we talked a few days ago about joining your guild. just a reminder that i still am considering it and will cut loose ends and get back to you.i have 4 toons and very active on all of them.will know more on weekend as i am looking at all posibilities.. but your guild really fancies me. as was talked about in our…
if i would of known that the darn thing would not have worked and that i had to re install it i would of saved big time on internet downloading cause i have to pay a lot of money for my internet as i am on a useage fee and not unlimited like others /////////// thank you to whom ever is risponsible for this andf i hope you…