I work a lot. It's easier for me to buy a mount that I can PVP with rather than spend X amount of hours grinding AD. I don't mind paying because 1. The game was free 2. I like the game a lot 3. I don't mind supporting the company that brought me a great game to play and didn't force me to pay for. You may think its…
Welcome to life. Some people have more time than money for video games. Others have more money than time. Rarely do you find someone with a lot of money AND a lot of time. As long as both players stand an equal chance of getting into the same end game and facing off in PVP, I don't see what the problem is. I understand…
That is not the definition of Pay 2 Win in any real, meaningful way. P2W implies that you HAVE to pay to win. You don't HAVE to pay to win at this game - you can get every single item in the game by collecting AD. Paying gives you a "shortcut" to these items - something that is very convenient for "casual" players - but…
"Pay to Win" implies that you MUST spend money in order to reach certain goals or levels in the game, or compete at the highest levels. You absolutely DO NOT need to do that in this game, so why even say you do?
A free game means any 10 year old can download, play, and then gripe about how "I'm going to quit this game if you don't bow to my demands! I speak for everyone! Heed my words or doom will fall upon your game!" The fact is most people fail to recognize that companies develop games for one reason (to make money.) That's the…
I wonder if OP is this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYS5b7-HtYI If so, that explains a lot. Here is a news flash - this game is pretty awesome, it's the COMMUNITY that is sorely lacking. I guess you'll have that with a F2P game: a lot of people who have contributed very little complaining and acting like they are…