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  • I hit 60 a few days ago myself. I tried foundry and was disappointed. Some of the quests have difficult mobs that hand me my butt and no way out of the quest other than to finish or buy a teleport to Protector's Enclave, which is 4k AD. I would go broke if I just did foundry and got stuck in there with no way out…
  • If you don't like the game allowing more convenience and advantages for paying players, then go play something else. This game is not a charity, despite being labelled free-to-play. If it didn't make money, it would close. You are not being forced to spend. You are not being forced to play, and don't be jealous of the…
  • I think it has something to do with the exploit on auction house. I saw someone on my server trying to buy one for gold.
  • I'm going to bump this thread because this is something I'd like to see implemented that will work in all parts of the game, not just foundry. I made a cleric, she's level 60, and I'd like to be able to play with lower level friends.
  • Cryptic/Perfect World would never have sold nightmare lock boxes and enchanted keys if they were going to wipe, because the odds of getting the good stuff is random. They don't want to refund zen at this point, because too many people have gambled away too much money on keys. Some people aren't very lucky and they spent a…
  • Thanks for all the replies. I will start trying out those quests tonight. If I don't leave a review it means I couldn't finish by myself. I tried some quests earlier today in the foundry and got my butt handed to me. That's why I made this thread.
  • 1. I don't much care about the races because you already have the ones I like. 2. I don't do PVP. I prefer PVE. I haven't done foundry yet but I will now that I'm done with the official quests. I think player made quests will keep me entertained for a while. 3. Guild features aren't too important to me as I'm mostly a solo…
  • I'd really like to see this implemented. I have a friend who is thinking about playing and I would like to use my cleric to play with him rather than roll a new character.
  • As I read this page I see an advert for hero of the north founder pack. It's still available.
  • Before they changed the end date of the founder's packs to soon, it stated that it ended on the 30th.
  • I have a lifetime subscription on Champions, and I don't pay a dime into that game anymore because I get a monthly zen stipend. I spent $300 and that was it. I don't think Cryptic is going to go that route anymore. They are with Perfect World now, and PW knows how to gouge people. $200 for a big founder's pack. People…
  • Part of the problem is that many people file multiple tickets on the same subject due to impatience. That is very likely why they closed the lot of them, because they're flooded. We're all living, breathing humans you know, and the staff here can only handle so much.
  • Well gamers typically discuss loot and currency because trading is a major aspect of a MMO. The story content of Neverwinter is decent, but it's not so absolutely fantastic that we're going to discuss it. Everyone knows all the good stories are in the foundry, anyway. And people DO discuss that. If you came here expecting…
  • I bought the Guardian pack and I'm happy with it. I played the game for a few days before purchasing to see if I would like it. That's what you should do, hold off until you are sure that you are going to stick with Neverwinter.
  • It is rather disappointing. Maybe they made it that way to promote cash shop costumes and dyes.
  • I'm not going to quit, but I'm no fangirl. The game is decent, but buggy, and not nearly as good as the Neverwinter Nights PC games. The Neverwinter title is what drew me, after all. The foundry is the saving grace here, and that's why I'm going to stick around, to see the great storytelling that the community creates.
  • I don't want a wipe. The game is not irreparably damaged and Cryptic has ways of dealing with cheaters that aren't so extreme as to punish us all. I think many players would quit if everything was wiped, and it would look even worse for Cryptic than it does already. I would never touch this game again if I knew that at any…
  • Well yes it's going to be dull if you replay the official content through several different characters so soon after the game opened. It's true that this game doesn't offer alternate paths for more replay value. A game that does do that is Guild Wars 2, so that might be a better fit for you if you have not already played…
  • My companion just leveled up from crafting so you can try that. But I read that it doesn't work if you use the gateway, so you must be logged in with that companion summoned.
  • I think a purple cleric companion would be a top seller if one was offered in the zen store. Many players are complaining about the white one only going to level 15 and dying a lot late game. I'm putting off rolling any characters other than my cleric for now until a decent healer companion is released. I already chug…
  • There is a pack of items that is character bound that comes along with it though. I forget what it's called, but it has some greater ID scrolls in it. Also the AD is a one time thing.
  • Well the game is free so they are going to advertise the biggest price gouge they have in the game. I don't even pay attention to it anymore. I've played other games that do it too, so I'm used to ignoring spam. That's what it is, advertising spam, and it has to be flashed in our faces as often as possible so people who…
  • I've been skipping dungeons because of aggro issues. But in the regular zones I do okay. I only really die due to my own mistakes and that isn't very often. I'm level 46 at the moment. Defense is my top priority when buying armor and always has been. We can wear mail, so I take advantage of that. I use the same powers as…
  • I think the cash shop prices are fine. Only thing I really don't like are the gamble boxes, and I have less respect for Cryptic than I had before they joined with Perfect World and became so greedy. If you really want to protest, why don't you protest that? That's where they are really gouging their customers. I would…
  • I'm a lifetime subscriber to other Cryptic games, and I decided that $200 pack wasn't worth it to me because it doesn't have the same payoff over the long term. The $60 pack seemed decent enough so I bought that one, and I don't regret it. I'm not big into the drow race anyway, so that wasn't a shiny enough carrot for me.…
  • I have noticed that the higher level I get, the less enjoyable this game becomes. It's more of a chore than entertainment for me at this point. Maybe it's because I rolled a cleric and have massive aggro and 40% reduction on self heals. I stopped doing dungeons and skirmishes because of adds crawling all over me and the…
  • I've been skipping dungeons and skirmishes on my cleric. I'm not running around potting like mad, it isn't fun. Righteousness is stupid, so is aggro. I see less and less clerics the higher level I get. It would be nice if I could heal myself properly. I don't think it's bad to be able to heal yourself for solo play either.…
  • I've spent $130 on here so far and I would want a refund to my credit card if they did a wipe after stating that there would be no wipes. So the game would lose money, and I doubt I'd be the only one demanding a refund. I didn't exploit and neither did I breeze through the game in two days. I have one character, at level…
  • It's an AD sink, meant to remove AD from the economy completely. Cryptic is not going to change this, so get used to it. The AD cost is high enough that I figure they simply have no shame now that they have merged with Perfect World. I don't even bother to enchant my armor as I level because I don't want to waste my AD.…
  • Well at least dungeons in other games make an attempt to be interesting. Here they are all the same. It's tedious even when you haven't done the dungeon before because you know the end is just going to be full of adds to increase the difficulty of lackluster bosses.