I think the issue is likely not the amount of time it takes to invoke them. With the issues over the Christmas/New Year period I lost 6 days of invocation on 3 toons. This was due to the fact that my normal invocation start time was just at the beginning of the down time, and by the time the servers came back up again the…
It's interesting being a cleric isn't it! I was just in Tiamat and got told by 3 different people (including one prat who made the comment "probably too stupid to understand") to stop using Astral Shield. Yes, that's right, Astral Shield, not Astral Seal (and I'm too stupid to understand ;) ). At that point there wasn't…
Okay, thanks for your response - I tried that and eventually got them all working (and without contacting support :) ). I wish mine was the same. Unfortunately I have to renew them pretty much every month :(
I've seen threads a while back about issues with alchemy on Gateway, and like you I thought they had been fixed. What I believe happened, based on what I have observed with this issue and in prior alchemical experimentation, is that I think there is a maximum number of alchemical research items you can receive at each…
And this is the main reason I posted here. Many thanks for your reply - it answers the questions I had. I had just noticed the in-game AH cut go to 12.5% and I was trying to figure out how it happened. As for the Gateway, I partly agree. Yes it is a remote access portal, but it isn't a middle-man like the auction broker. I…
Yep, I am absolutely venting on the forums. I certainly didn't expect anybody on the forums to be able to do anything. I also expected asinine comments like "reading is tech". The first part of my post was pure vent - I can't get my alchemy levelled up and I am completely in the dark about what is happening to fix it.…
If you go into a shop and buy something that turns out faulty you take it back to the shop. They may send it back to the manufacturer to get fixed, but that's not something the customer should be doing. If you go into a restaurant and your meat comes out green you send it back to the restaurant, not the farmer who provided…
I'm aware of what a bug report is. By "referenced my ticket" what I meant was that I put the entire contents of my ticket into the bug report - including how to fix my issue. I still cannot level up my alchemy skill. I don't really care whether the devs have to fix it or the GMs have to fix it. I have sent two separate…