So all this work on the warlock to just go in a big circle and land right back in the same spot we were before the changes. And i think the entire warlock community would love to be able to actually DPS in TOMM but in the current meta that is not an option.
My justicar tank is not a DPS tank my armor pen is at cap everything else offense is well under cap power just a little over 100k and i was hitting noticeable harder with Smite then before the change and on a good group i did about 40% more DPS on a LOMM run than my previous average
while i love the change of separating the skirmishes and the Trials so you can better prepare your groups. But the RADQ is still lacking I think if added the RLQ RIQ RAQ adn REQ into the current system it would be on point. and bring LOMM back to the ques with the REQ
did the healer formula change along with the damage formula and if so in what way so us healers know what states we need as before we needed to stack power and crit strike
correct and so far the only fix has been to re re roll the loadout which i wanted to test things on my HB so i was going to do that anyways and on my soul weaver the good news i wont use any of the powers that are broken
i hope the devs continue to change the warlock these changes while some good we are really in the same spot were were before all of these changes. AOE got a slight improvement single target is still just not good with how long it takes to build stacks of Risky investment on single target. IN comparison on the new damage…
with the changes there is some good thing but mostly on the AOE side. you can now build stack of risky investment very fast on AOE however single target is still super slow and you have to use hellfire ring hadars grasp and soul scorch to build them there is no other rotation that will help in single target to get them up…
3 out of my 4 warlock load outs are broken and can not select the powers that have switched positions so killing flames blades ETC Also dark prayers does not summon a soul puppet when a mob with lesser curse dies it does however stack risky investment properly
Wraith's Shadow: I still haven't found a battle where this encounter is needed, same goes to harrowstorm, but this last one is more handy. Wraiths shadow in live is currently terrible. I will say that i love harrowstorm while i would like to see the healing magnitude increased a bit to get it closer to healing word on the…
While i appreciate the attention the warlock is getting this makes me hopeful for the class. And i am not try to by sarcastic with my comment but reading this. Since the damage buff change the warlock is the only one getting a rework it appears if this is not a major rework which the class does need at least on the HB side…
my soulweaver heals no death LOMM runs all the time. Soulweaver healers have to be good like DPS of warlocks that bad ones cant hide behind buffs of other classes any more to make up for a lack of skill on the players part. With the MOD 17 nerf on pallys and clerics also seeing a huge divide between pallys that are…
the screen shake resets to on, when i turned it off it was still out of control In LOMM actually made me motion sick. The lag in ME is the worst i have ever seen in this game (or anyother game) but almost unplayable with the lag
yep hopefully they fix it some how either change the stat that you get for the Defense on empowered or make it gives us the HP . With a large amount of companion gear that has double defense slots it makes them sub par when last mods defensive stat gear had double offensive slots so at least you would get power.
and dragon born can not load any head pieces to the appearance library so now what few head pieces we can wear has been reduced to none with new gear which is sad for a paid race
everyone has lost a Ton of HP without making any changes on average DPS classes around a 10k loss tanks in the 20-40K range it appears something is not working correct with the companions
for my tank I got two pieces of companion gear with both slots defensive when I put in my rank 15 empowered rune stones I get no more HP so I just lose power from going offensive to defensive slots on the companion gear. anyone else having this issue?
warlock pulls much more aggro also does more Dps then at least the cleric i don't run pally heals enough to say one way or the other on that as i only like to tank on the pally as i don't enjoy the heal build. that is why on utility slots running all tactical is mandatory i also run negation for extra protection too. I… *if not TAB constantly bugs in some bossfights without giving you any sparks due to targetting issues in some bossfights, same as some feature like lifebind are near impossible to run and the issue about having no sparks on reviving (drained to zero) to heal up…
I don't think you have run with any good soulweaver healers. It is more challenging than my cleric which is easy mode healing. My soulweaver can heal and does heal no death runs in LOMM all the time. and while I dont think i will run LOMM with my soul weaver wearing nothing but red feather clan gear in LOMM any time soon…
felt the same way you do right now so went soul weaver and fell in love with the class again and also made some adjustments to the HB which i also enjoy again. I was ruining cleric for DPS and heals now I hardly touch my Cleric just my warlock and Will use my pally to tank.
it is much harder to master and everything has to be perfect. While it may be possible to only run 4 of the outgoing healing companions I would highly recommend running all 5 at legendary to have maximum outgoing healing. Your two main stats to focus on are power and crit. the formula i saw from a developer is (crit…
personally i love the SW do i think it can be improved sure. I would rather heal with my SW than my cleric or my pally. and to magnitude if you want better heals from the SW they could up that a bit as there is a huge difference between the SW and the cleric for example. Shatter spark the best heal for the SW magnitude is…
I agree that SI stacks are brutally painful to maintain that is why if i could have the devs change anything it would be that and what i would change is get rid of soul burn put in a mechanic like essence drain that pulls soul sparks from mobs put a 15 sec cool down on it and have it maybe do more damage than do a heal.…
on my souls weaver crit strike is 136K on HB it goes down to 125K. I also main the SW and that is why i ended up with such high crit strike and it was just an experiment when a friend wanted to heal with his DC instead of DPS and I went from being at the bottom of the DPS charts with my friends with the HB to the top.…
Also running LOMM without a tank will lower the warlocks dps as no one to group up the mobs which does lower the DPS from fiery bolt and curse bite the closer the mobs are together the more DPS the warlock will do