Game is about 50/50. . . Much of what is done well is brilliant, but the stuff that is implemented poorly is really making the game drag Can't even reach that higher pedestal yet where we talk about endgame, balance, and future content Your experience while playing this game currently is going to be based more on avoiding…
Companion AI is some of the worst I've seen They stand still for long periods of time in full view of attackable enemies, but do nothing My Wayward Wizard will jump off high ground to get into melee range of a dozen foes and usually explodes
It was a poor decision on the Dev team's part to cripple the metagame with such a bad respec system I hear endgame is quite bad anyway so once I get there that might be it for me
Seems like every "Boss" fight is just a mosh pit and it seems to be getting worse at higher levels Just did Throne of Idris or whatever Boss was interesting, but I was so busy to crowd control mop up that I rarely got to face off wit her
Does it matter where you put your points into powers at low level? It seems like at level 20 you automatically get level 3 of all previous power skills