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What is the Arc Client?
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  • You know you've been playing neverwinter too long when you get the urge to use one of your characters attacks, just because, and then you get disappointed that you can't actually, or you start to see the character running around, when you blink of close your eyes. {insert true story meme here}
  • 8/10 Partly because I have no idea how to pronounce it(I keep saying taylirah in my head...) LOL But I like how, as you said, apart of it is a bunnys name, while rah means leader = 3=
  • A bunch of garbage and various little trinkets.. So. More than just one thing orz I'm so unorganized and lazy, gah LOL
  • Blerg. I'm still a child. orz only 17 so, not that young. But, still lul Also, pardon the strange facial expression. It's just past 3am my time, and I've not yet slept LOL Clickyclick Oh, and I think I may see speak of "bad knees"? Yeahh.. I have arthritis.. My lower bad, hips, knees, and sometimes other places depending…