Weird, I mean, there is Lord of the Rings fanfic, heck even a Web site devoted to them. Yet, as said before, they are pretty serious about their copyrights, even on things as simple as "Middle Earth," "Bilbo," etc. I fail to see how they are staunchly against copyright infringement to the point of copyrighting single…
Ok so allusion is definitely the way to go here, and it wouldn't be too difficult to do that, although just a little less fun for me. :p This begs the question of how can fan fics be so prevalent yet allowed legally without having issues for using multiple direct references. But that's a debate for another day, and another…
Well this was...sort of enlightening. Here's my dilemma at this point: Plagiarism is direct copying of words and phrases. That's not what I'm proposing to do. And the link about Fair Use is in regards to Non-Profits, organizations that collect money for anything but profit. I obviously have no intention of making money…
Neither of our computers were authenticating, so first I flushed dns cache on both, to no avail. I then unplugged my router and modem, waited 1 minute, plugged my modem back in until it finished its bootup, then plugged the router back in. Now I can login.