Don't forget about us Founders with the Greycloak's Legacy, There's no items for the Rangers on the Test shard for the Legacy, but there WILL be for the release of Module 2 right?
I only have two, One's a short pun, and the other is a Medium-Length story. 1) What do you call a Lawful good Rogue?? A Lawyer. 2) A Human, a Dwarf, and a Half-Orc are captured by a Troll Tribe in the Wilds of Faerun, Deep into the King's Forest, They are told they can Live if they can complete a Sacred ritual, if they…
*reappears* "Sorry, I seem to have left a Trap in the vicinity, do you know where it is? *Looks down* "Heheh.. sorry.." *leans down, starts tinkering with an advanced system of tumblers, that looks a bit too overdone for such a simple trap, he then removes a small bandage and a small bottle of Salve from his belt pouch,…
We'll see... I'm in no mood for mindless killing, all life is there for it's own purpose, and one must only take another when the other either asks for it... or deserves it by wronging another. *fades into the shadows*
Hmm... An all-Woman-Themed Guild... Should be an interesting one, I'll watch, but being a man, I cannot join myself, and I strictly play male Avatars, under the same name of my first, and still alive, D&D character. Should be fun to watch your guild grow, however... Maybe we'll see each other around whether it's by PuG, or…