They used to drop nice things, those nice things got stealth nerfed (because high levels were farming the low-level mimics that dropped the same nice things as the high level mimics), because they were being farmed for said nice things.
RoF does proc it more often. It's an odd bird, to be sure. It seems to A) proc Storm Spell when it does a damage tic B) proc Storm Spell when it applies a a Chill stack (which are not always at the same time, hence the "faster" proc rate on Storm Spell). RoF also stacks significantly more AP than MM OR CC (especially when…
Not to mention that in Pirate King, for instance, the level designer specifically put little areas with chests that you have to do a jump + teleport/dodge to get to and back from. Not to mention a few of the mini-dungeons in the normal questing zones have the same thing put into them. So no, what they need to do is…
List of things I've found that can bug and and not work if they are interrupted at the split second between you pressing the activation keybind and the animation/effect applying: Unstoppable (I have yet to run into this bug, because knowing about it, I try to use it well before anyone would CC me, and if I don't have that…
Unless you do what I do sometimes when I get bored. Pull the mob train back to the campfire on purpose, run around in circles, then stealth away and laugh at the hilarity that ensues. Mind you, when I do it, most of the "players" sitting there are farming bots. Heh.
There's another instance they are also farming in Whispering Caverns. The Drow "city" area has a mini-dungeon and you can sit there and literally watch the bots run in and out nonstop. What's hilarious, is most of them are still wearing level 5 ish gear, so if their script goes a bit wonky and pulls the NPCs at the bottom…
Yeah, the new incoming nerf is due to Thaums stacking high ArPen and using Greater/Perfect PFs to essentially use RoE + CoI on targets to give negative mitigation/defense (I take it you can see how much this would be a bad thing in PvP).
Yeah, the Soulforged thing is a L2P bit. Potions can, and do stack, if you use the PvP vendor pot, and then pick up one of the map heal pots. I've experienced this first hand. Why? Because the map pots are treated as buffs just like campfire, and not like the actual potions. You can also witness this first hand by grabbing…
Yeah, I highly doubt many of these bots get banned. For instance, the 99x stacks of enchants littered all over the AH say quite the opposite when it comes to pro-active bot banning. Same accounts, over and over, reported numerous times. Nothing done, they still post new stacks several times per day/week. The insulting…
Impact Shot. 3 Charges (4 if used out of Stealth), medium range, knockback and a short stun/daze. Has the potential to do serious amounts of damage if the TR catches someone with it at the right time.
Some things to consider: Not all TRs go the Vorpal/Tenebrous/Soulforged route. Some, lately, have been going the Greater/Perfect Lightning + Tenebrous + Greater/Perfect Briartwine route. This combo....has interesting effects when used by TRs (and CWs for that matter). It can allow even permas to have damage output as good…
Shield: When they are gathered below the bubble but before they are pulled up. Repel: Right as they are falling after the bubble explodes. You'll get a target about .2 to .3 seconds after the explosion. It's still not guaranteed to work 100% of the time due to any system lags such as your ping, the server itself lagging,…
You do NOT want to take that enchant into PvE unless you're a designated tank. The way it works, you'll pull so much threat in such a wide arc that you're pulling trash packs from the next room over. It's strictly a PvP enchant for anyone but GF/GWF the way it currently operates.
You think that's bad, there's one posting to the AH on the Dragon Shard who literally has an RMT name as the character name, posting stacks of 99x enchants, has been doing it for weeks, been reported numerous times, nothing done about it.
You want to see something very, very funny, Greater/Perfect Lightning in Weapon + (higher the better ofc) Briartwine in your Armor slot. Then go PvP a few rounds. The tells you get cursing you after you constantly expose stealthed TRs (Lightning procs, the AoE arcs are 70' and hit stealthed) and kill them by just standing…
Yeah, to rely solely on ArP from a pet is foolish at best. Given Cryptic's track record, you'll never know until it's too late if they change DR tables or reduce the effectiveness of stat gains from companions without saying anything about it in the patch notes.
Yes, RoF is far superior for melting block than MM, which is why it's my 2nd at-will. Chilling Cloud and the other useless one don't even come close. There is still an issue however, dealing with GFs while you are on pillars. Sometimes they *still* are able to "run up walls" so to speak and prone you even after the…
1) Use ArPen and Crit stats. Do not stack Recovery for PvP. It's not anywhere near as useful in PvP as it is in PvE. 2) Icy Rays should be in your Tab slot. It used to be Ray of Enfeeblement, but due to the nerf to RoE and things that synergized with it being in the Tab slot, it's no longer optimal, although it is still…
There is already numerous threads on the entire ArPen/Crit/Power vs Recovery. It's all tl;dr at this point in the game until they change something again. Honestly, anything over 1k Crit (if you take EotS) and 3k Recovery is an absolute waste of secondary stat allocation.
4800 Recovery? No wonder you struggle to kill anyone. Doing. It. Wronnnnnnnnnnnnng. Edit: Think about how much Defense, etc GFs/GWFs and them carry on average, and then think about how much ArPen, Crit and Power you gave up to get 4800 Recovery. That's why Recovery stacking doesn't work in PvP like it may do for…
Well, the class design IS awful, to be fair. The stupid consoletard aim assist doesn't help matters. Clerics in DDO were fun. Awesomely, stupidly, fun. In THIS "4E" game? Nope.
You'll have this problem if you get dazed in that split second between activation of Unstoppable and it applying, it seems to cause it to lock out and not work again until you reload the game client. This is obviously an internal coding error of some sort.
My guild leader plays GWF and we have no issues whatsoever using him as a tank. He holds aggro just fine. L2P if you're failing at your job (and this means stop DPSing so much if you're pulling all of the threat as a DPS, just like in any other MMO). That being said, when he feels like doing the Great Pew Pew, he'll respec…