I have experienced pre-patching before in STO's LoR launch, but that was totally painless. This one isn't. If the pre-patching is interrupted in any way it does not act the way pre-patching is supposed to, i.e. instead of zooming through data that should have already been downloaded it restarts the pre-patching from the…
Not quite true. When you have an item in your bags you can right-click >> change appearance to get a preview of what the item looks like. You can only do this with items that you can use, however.
As @elawyn has mentioned, she is wearing the Many-Arrows Armor while the one with the pelt is Bloodscar's Armor. Ah! I thought that you just equipped two Mancleaver axes. I was thinking of leaving the off-hand as a dagger or the skin of the Short Sword of Shadows
I see I was not the only one to think of using Bloodscar's Armor/Many-Arrows Armor, Tribal Gauntlents and Chieftain's boots. I haven't really skinned mine though since I do not have anywhere near the needed ADs. I'll also need to save to buy some dyes. I chose the orc armors because I am playing a Half-Orc and it looks…
A prefix suffix breakdown would be nice. A list will definitely help those who are still levelling to 60 to determine what gear to get. End-game is a different animal all together.
That is a basic, and correct, way for the GF to hold aggro on the boss or the adds. The problem comes in when you take into account the synergy of the group as a whole. If the Rogue does not have threat-reducing Feats/Powers then he should avoid hitting the boss and focus on taking out adds. A Rogue that is speced to…
The Foundry is the saving grace for RPing in Neverwinter. Without it things would be much worse. DMs can literally run adventures within Neverwinter for his group using the Foundry.
It will still be around by the time you get another job. Unless you really need something from the shop that requires Zen and its on a limited time only, then I suggest you wait. :)
There are 22, not 24, base classes. Twenty-five (25) if you count the non-core classes in EPG, FRPG and Dragon. :) The classes in the PH are more than enough to go on since each of them has 2 builds and more were added in later supplements. In my opinion Cryptic needlessly limited themselves by going the "build = class"…