HISPANIA. We formed Thursday April 25th during Early Release/Open BETA Guild Leader: Malakh, Borzung, Quijar, Asturcon and Lindil. Guild Contact:comunidad@comunidadhispania.com Guild Website:www.comunidadhispania.com Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes. All Levels/All Classes Current Guild Size:110+- Guild Size Goal: No limit.…
Bienvenidos aventureros a los Reinos Olvidados! La Comunidad Hispania tendra representacion en Neverwinter Online. Nuestra intencion, como en todos los juegos que participamos, es la de crear un grupo para jugar que abarque todas las maneras de enfocar el juego. Todo el mundo tiene cabida en Hispania, tanto los que les…
Saludos amigos, viendo que somos ya algunos clanes de habla hispana no estaria de mas empezar a conocernos entre nosotros e ir compartiendo conocimientos y recursos del juego. Formo parte de otra comunidad Hispana, si el lider/coordinador de esta se quiere comunicar conmigo para ir estrableciendo relaciones (uuuis como ha…
I've had the same problem as you. Let me explain what I have done. 1) Download the torrent client. 2) Use Ccleaner to clean the registry. 3) I updated drivers, flash and java. 4) In the installer I have done the following: Right-click the setup.exe icon. Click Properties. Click the Compatibility tab. Check the box next to…
Hello again, finally the client is patching. I downloaded the torrent version. I followed the steps outlined in this post. I hope it works for you https://support.perfectworld.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3976
Ok in order to clarify things. We have received an email advising that we can download the client. Click on the link in the email. Now come the questions. 1) Following the link we get to the download page. Is this page we get the following message: Thank you for joining the Neverwinter Alpha Test! Is this correct or is…