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  • While talking of typos in the time on launcher, the UTC end time is wrong as well. Like always :)
  • Could we please get a sticky informing us of said fairly major shift in communications? One would assume that on making that decison it would have been someone's responcibility to convey the news to the community. That way we could avoid post hoc wondering about not knowing the information wouldn't be here as usual.
  • The only slight hiccup I see is some classes having strongly differing roles depending on path (paladins perhaps being the most extreme example), but even that would be easy to rectify by giving two different load outs for each class. This or something like this would be the biggest step towards bringing more people into…
  • The UTC time on the launcher is once again off by an hour. I know I've harped about this in the past already, but there are a million reliable tools for time zone conversions out there and getting it wrong time and again looks extremely sloppy and unprofessional.
  • I've said this elsewhere, but gear is both more of an issue and harder to obtain than boons. It's both true that, boons bring nothing positive to pvp, as well as that they are minor when comparing how a fresh toon does against a BIS one. I for one would want the clean version of pvp that comes up again and again to be with…
  • Aside from twinking? Well since wanting to twink is the only argument for this in the first place there's not much to add. There is nothing stopping people from doing low level pvp by repeatedly leveling toons. Aside from the cost and effort of leveling artifacts and artifact equipment sets, and yes tho you try to paint…
  • Adding specific patches to combat broken things like a house of cards is exactly what's gotten pvp into the mess to begin with. Mechanics that skip usual game mechanics imho always create balance problems. Whether it's piercing damage or unpierceable resistance it all the same. Also, this meta where every class has…
  • Splendid idea. There needs to also be a low cutoff as well to prevent trolling with toons not pvp ready. Now obviously the natural threshold for this is +-100 IL from where my current toon sits. As obviously anyone farther out simply must be a troll who's not playing the game the proper sanctified way. A solo system won't…
  • Agreed, but that's why the queue system allows for any group size as of now. I have nothing against people making teams of any size to pvp with, but I fail to see how two would be a magical exemption number. In the first place the one upside I see in a solo only queue are players starting out who have yet to find others to…
  • What's the argument for duo's being significantly less a problem than trio's? The whole point of a solo queue system would be to take away prearranged co-operation tactics. Or is the argument merely that it's stacking the deck only so far you can still pat your back as if it were not stacked?
  • If you look at the above figures you'll note that effective DR after armor penetration was 70.6%. Apparently you have a hard time grasping the point, but the figure in the brackets is not dependent on the gear of the recipient. And unless deflecting or having damage immunity one way or another that hit will deal at least…
  • A fine argument you make for not having to care about the dps focused ones, since there apparently are none.. The reality in domination looks like this however: [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! ****** deals 181618 (617661) Physical Damage to you with Bull Charge. Glass cannons they may arguably be, but not much more than…
  • Your outrage at how some people treat others is all well and good, the topic, however, was not about people too weak to get things done, but rather people unwilling to try. As you no longer PVP you may be unaware that, even tho you consider it a bad use of time, people who enter solely to get the AD for capping twice is,…
  • The thing is that with some 70% of my dps and about half my healing coming from non class specific things it's clear that we're back at a point where power creep is out of hand. The same thing can be done with any class as long as you have the resources to gear up. To be franc it's at a point where I would welcome…
    in SOLO eLOL Comment by lupisu April 2016
  • In case any others of our Faithful following felt the same sting of the green eyed monster at the accomplishments of our Righteous brethren, here's how it looks like for us. Acknowledgements to my shadow demon and owlbear cub for most of the damage. Edit: And a big thank you to the OP for putting the thought in my head :)
    in SOLO eLOL Comment by lupisu April 2016
  • A further note on searing light. Although this doesn't make it worth slotting in most places, rather than being single target as the OP states it is in fact afaik the only DC AoE with no target cap. The cone is rather narrow making it finicky to get use out of and the damage is mostly sub par. For soloing it can be useful…
  • Yes the virtuous hots are still broken, and yes hastening light still does exactly nothing either on it's own or with the off hand bonus. Also cleanse is still in it's sorry duct tape fix shape despite reassurances back when they broke it would be looked at the next time DCs got a pass over. Seeing as all they got was a…
  • Tank pets being able to perform to the point of tanking dungeon bosses should be an obvious red flag for anyone. If we consider that to be an appropriate benchmark for companion effectiveness all strikers should have damage comparable to a dps player. Even a cursory glance at logs says that in this case strikers damage…
  • While that too is a fun quote my favorite, ever since the multitude of various economy nerfs, is that NPC outside the Seven Suns who goes "It used to be so easy to make money in this town" :) If options for making progress are taken away one after the other because botters are abusing them how about tying rewards to actual…
  • While the set does trigger Gift of Haste (As do most other outside sources of Heal Over Time), going as far as procing GoH on all damage taken whether or not the heal is active, the heals do not get stored as Gift of Faith (Also like other outside sources of healing). And yes this should go to bug reports, and yes it has…
  • The relevant portion of a dev response from a thread here.
  • While in the essence I agree with the sentiment that a heal OP will heal better than a DC in almost any scenario I still feel the need to nitpick on a couple on inaccuracies. Firstly beacon of hope is nothing like the DC capstone Gift of Faith which stores heals to be given out when hit points drop down. It is however…
  • You seem to completely miss the point those of us who have argued there is a bug there are making. I have no issue with any of the powers you have described working as they do. The problem comes from things that don't work that way. For example if DG and BoH suddenly started giving of procs at every tic instead of once per…
  • I'll tell an anecdote here to illustrate why I think a problem exists, despite having no real luck either in tracking it down. A month or so back I was staying behind on Oxuno with a protection paladin. For a couple of minutes we stood nex to each other in the poison field, neither using any powers outside of him popping…
  • To be frank, there used to be a feat for DCs that removed all "debuffs" from players. In mod 6 this was reworked to only affect DOT effects because it was also clearing various other things it was not meant to affect (such as temp hp). The explanation for the change was that it was not possible to properly limit what it…
  • It seems external hots have a tendency to apply GoH on every tic as opposed to initial application only as they should, and most DC powers do. (or else those external hots are reapplying duration every tic) Certainly both combat triage and the Oathbound Sigil have this issue. Despite claims to the contrary SoD does not…
  • I have to concur with there being a bug somewhere. Firstly Cleansing Fire works as it always has, namely tho it doesn't stack new procs overwrite old ones, thus allowing for multiple gift of haste procs in succession. Secondly tho Shield of the Divine does not by itself work similarly it seems to interact with something…
  • Firstly I'd love if someone corrects me if I'm wrong. As far as I've made sense of things DR is not in fact capped, but will never reduce incoming damage by more than 80%. You can stack it above that to reduce the effect armor penetration has on it.
  • There's also the fact that the virtuous capstone is broken insofar as it doesn't increase the total amount of healing of the spells it affects.