OOkay... nevermind. Apparently it's more like a Draconic or Draconis. a dragon person. Humanoid dragons FTW!!! Oh, and one question. Are there going to be any thrue furry races? Lke The Elder Scrolls Khajiit?
Cool story bro. More like a dragonborn from skyrim possibly. What, no skyrim? try a racial class ability with elemented breath like a dragon. Oh, and Drow come first. The Drow are HAMSTER!!!
I agree with many. A paladin class is needed. Healing, buffs, and heavy armor with close reange c;ombat needs to be implemented. Basically a warrior cleric. Also needed is a good archer. Good active abilities would include elemental arrows and quick getaway abilities. Druids would be a godsend. They would most likely have…