You know? Normally I would question a thread like this. I'd feel it was an exaggeration of the facts; that surely there is more to the story and the "victims" deserved the banning in some way. There's no way a system so easily abused would be implemented, much less remain in place... But I've played CO since Open Beta. I'm…
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet (I'm at work and can't read the entire thread), but... I've also seen the chat ban system used to manipulate the free market... In CO, a player who was selling Cosmic Keys for 100g got chat banned by another who was selling them for 110g. The chat ban system was used to eliminate…
This is actually a brilliant launch strategy... They get the Open Beta press coverage, and if there are any issues, they say "Hey, it's just Beta!" Once the kinks get worked out, they officially announce launch and have the smoothest one in MMO history; not to mention another round of launch press coverage... And Cryptic…