you mean the alpha game play leak that is not even close to a representation of the game do your self a favor and watch this
Can someone tell me in great detail how exactly my character, that you don't know, that you never met, that you will likely never meet will affect you negatively if their race changes. I'm serious how does it affect you if you never see it happen, you'll never know about it. Tell me write it out and don't be vague about it…
I'm almost sure it will be the warlock just from the riddle alone it makes me think of warlock and then theirs the fact that in the opening vid the warlock is represented along with gwf, dc, tr so make sense at lest to me that the sw will be the next class out.
I wouldn't mind a raid or two in this game might be kinda fun if done right but with the way some people feel towards raiding or raiders it probably wont happen.