The toon I was just logged onto was standing in PE near Rhinx when it suddenly got ported to Hall of Justice. If they tried something on my account, it didnt worked, I tried to log onto my main a few mins later, but still packet corruption. Another guildmate stuck on SH PvP map: kat@grrkat
Thats rights, my char is locked up since 5hrs, we gave out ingame warnings and opened tickets. But no real feedback regarding how this SERIOUS problem is prioritized or anything. You have to understand that people cant play. If your main gets locked up, your enchants are also locked up. I couldnt play for serval hours…
The Warlock is by far the best class in game! It can heal! It can spawn army to help you kill stuff! It haz lazerbeam pewpew! Stick with it, others just jelous, dont listen to them! They had to buff TR so OP so that they dont complain getting killed by mighty warlock all time! Because warlock haz ballz and mighty…
The 2nd server outtage in a week? How can you expect us to still be patient? I dont want any free stuff, I just want to play the game, but the server is bugged since mod5 came out and now we reached a point where it crashes twice a week. Many people paid a lot of money for zen, is it too much to ask for a stable server…