AC aoe dps is far better than DO at very high IL, I think single target dps is better too but not that much, it really depend of your power, with 40k+ AC will be stronger, between 30 and 35k, it must be close. But another important part is this party comp, if there is another AC DC to buff you, then DO is obviously…
Yeah but they are HAMSTER because rouge are not fighter, this is D&D, so when you're in a PVE run and your GWF mate is hacking and slashing everything, it's ok because he is a fighter. Your job as a rouge is to stay close to him and dodge red area with your superior dexterity, when the mob is at 2% HP you can start to…
I don't see how DO can be better buffer/debuffer than AC. Beside AA being better than HG with high power, Battle Fervor becomes stronger than PoD at an even earlier power rating. I understand that at low IL, playing AC provide no benefit over DO if your BF can't balance the PoD loss on no adds boss, but if you've more than…
Depends of your playstyle and your stats, if you're AC spamming AA, playing with WoL, the 15%power bob feat and 3 bonding r12, power is almost always better than crit. If you're DO with just WoL and 3r12 bonding, crit can be better than power depending of your actual crit chance, power, crit severity.
Crit severity is pretty bad from a pure dps point of view. - Simple math, if you've 100%crit chance and 150% crit severity (100% & perfect+ vorpal), that means all your damage will be multiplicated by 2.5. If you add a 10% crit severity pet it goes up to 2.6. 2.6/2.5 = 1.04, so this is a 4% dmg increase, but the more you…
What do you mean ? All I've listed is base power. And for guild boons, I have never had one, so I don't know if it's base power like campaign boons or not.
Can someone tell me if the stronghold power boon is counted as base power or not ? If yes, 30k is easily reachable If not, I think it's still possible, full radiant r12, 4 +1000power artifact, 4 set pieces with max power, base power ring, power insignias, and you should be good.
I made a simple sheet to show the potential damage difference realative to our buffs between mod 9 and mod 10, with basic stats (20k base power, pet 5k power), focused on AA, BoB and WoL only, ignoring other source of power and other buffs (except HG for the AC/DO comparaison). This is some nice damage flying away :'(
21560 is the amount with wol working on your total power ( 9409+2823+0.1*93283 =21560 ) He just fixed his sheet, so on preview the power you give will never change no matter how much power buff you have, so it's set on 14114 for his exemple. talking about the nerf, it's a good thing but the real problem is the bonding…
Playing with blink dog and intellect devorer as active companions, from my test it looks like their bonus are multiplicative independant damage buff like in the above formula "The on crit CA assumed as: base * (1 + crit_severity + CA_from_abilty + CA_from_stat) * Blink_Dog"