Everything is set up via instances. If you bring up your map, look in the lower right corner to see what instance # you are in. You both have to be in the same one to see each other. Then just party up so you don't lose each other again. Hope that helps.
If anyone wants to make an old farts guild for slow *** 'slporin and whatnot, count me in. This being my first MMO experience, I wouldn't want to helm such a task. But it might help for those lvl60 dungeons when we get there, no?
I really wish there was a way to make dungeon runs with a smaller party or solo possible. If my wife and I were able to do a run just the two of us, a 45 min run could easily hit 2 hours. And we would be giddy about it.
I did the same. My first night playing the game I hardly played at all. I read all the tutorial tips, figured out what all the currency was for, and when I had a question, I hit the forums and found my answer. You are not alone. I'm sure that we are in the minority, though. Hell, every pub game I join is a rush to the end…
I have seen so much shouting about pay to win both here and in Path of Exile as well. I remember a thread there that was like 15 pages long about whether or not paying for extra stash tabs was pay to win. People, in my opinion, will ***** about anything. It's just threads like this that really (pardon the pun) Grind my…
where are you getting 24k astral a day? If you mean ROUGH diamonds, yeah. If you mean EARNED diamonds, there aren't any limits. Now tell me again about how many days it'll take you. The amount of disinformation I see spread on these forums is disheartening to say the least.
Please tell me what gear you are getting from lockboxes that are the best? I'd like to know, because I'm still wearing things I've found from world drops and have opened plenty of lockboxes.
I'm having a blast, and so is my wife. We both have one slot for solo play, and another for when we play together. We rolled different classes for each character, and couldn't be happier. Going to be playing this game for a long time. And we will be supporting it with cash to make sure that happens.
just press "L" and it'll bring up your landing page, and you can see the foundry from there. Make sure you pick a quest that tells you it's good for the daily mission. You can also look for the Foundry boards which you can find on your map...they are next to the bank across from the merchants.
I played this, so I know it was just an arena fight. It might have gotten swept up in the wave of bans for power leveling. I'm not saying that was your intent with this, I'm just giving a speculative reason.
you would do well to read up on what you're talking about before you post. You only lose the coins that can get you a ward. the companions coins will stay even if you don't pray daily. The more you know...
Ah, ok. I guess I was reading too much into it. I saw that the mounts had up to +3 with stat changes to speed. I just thought that would translate into gear as well. Disappointing and confusing all at the same time. Why put something like that on gear if it doesn't even matter?
No, I looked over these items like 20 times to find something that was different. I've asked quite a few times in global, and no one seemed to have a solid answer. I guess I'll have to dig a little deeper. Maybe it changes something in the character sheet that isn't shown on the item itself...
Respecs cost $6. Or you can reroll. I have yet to come across anything in game that was cash exclusive. There are options to shell out real monies to do something faster (i.e. respecing as opposed to rerolling), but there is no Great Sword of Walleting or Shiny Armor of Coins. The whole P2W argument is pretty moot when…