Alright, I've come up with a more serious one. Well, my former one was serious, but not sensible... This one is both serious and sensible. Will any Foundry features be premium? So, "You can import voicework and unique character models, you can have cutscenes and so on, but those advanced features will incur an additional…
Andy, Andy, Andy... How much money do you want in return for a one-of-a-kind mount? I've got several thousand pounds saved up and no obligations other than rent. I'm serious.
I don't disagree at all. When you say grind is integral and essential, and I say it's unnecessary and lamentable, we are talking about totally different things. :) To quote someone who posted before us... What you said in #6 regarding repetitive or "mundane" content is true in my opinion, for all the reasons you gave- in…
For me, grind is the length of time between level 1 and [max] level. In Guild Wars, you could reach the maximum level in less than a day. There was a HUGE amount of content yet to see, skills yet to capture and achievements yet to earn, but Anet decided not to insult the player by pretending that you need THREE HOURS to…
My assumption is that the Devoted Cleric will be a ranged healer. After a year or so mending HAMSTER and triaging names as a priest in TERA, the traditional ranged life-spammer has grown on me a little. Nevertheless, I'm hopeful that they'll provide a melee healer that isn't a paladin soon after launch. I've fond memories…
It's not that I dislike the Neverwinter region, but erm. I think it's one of the most boring places in the Forgotten Realms! :( lol .. And I will admit to thinking way back when PW first announced NWO; "it's a huge shame they're basing a FR MMO there of all places..." (having said the above, I'm still really excited; i'm…
I'm really surprised by the number of people for whom tabletop rules (and their translation into the MMO) appear to be a big question mark. More than that; seems to be something that a number of people assume PW are doing wrong. I think it looks like they aren't doing anything of the sort. And I'm glad of it. The pen and…
I'd rather get the game this spring, with a modest set of complete features and more on the way. It helps that the class I'd like for my main (cleric) is present from the start. But my saying that five is enough isn't contingent on my preferred class being included- that's just good fortune.
The more I think about it, the more I realise that I said something idiotic. Once I've found my favourite class, and a way of fighting that I love within that class, how often do I change? The answer is never. When I want to do something else, I roll another class entirely. There's nothing to stop me doing that in…
I too was burned by VAT. But no matter! Aren't we talking about $200 spent speculatively and suddenly on a product that I hadn't even been following until I saw the founders pack video? Of course we are! If I'm going to be unwise regardless, then it's in for a penny, in for a pound! Hehehee. 164 of them.
1: Meh, doesn't bother me. The game clearly isn't trying to be the boardgame. 2: Also doesn't bother me. Neverwinter isn't using the DnD ruleset, just the setting. 60 at least doesn't sound too grindy. 3: There are two kinds of system in the post-TERA world. "Highly mechanical number crunching systems vs. Most attacks have…
Perhaps I'm mistaken- it's 3am and these eyes aren't what they used to be- but aren't there three answers splitting the "None" camp between them? Not that I disapprove. You've cleverly allowed the various tiers of "Yes" to keep up with what would otherwise have been a rather long red bar. Divide and conquer! Or..…