Theres still a few out there these days just not nearly as much nor are they as well known. Red5 and Grinding Gear Games are both great independent companies that actually care about their games and community more than ONLY profits unlike 90% of todays gaming industry.
Perfect idea here assuming they actually fixed all the exploits before launching new servers since their lack of any real punishment for previous exploiters wont deter anyone from doing it all over again :\
Good news indeed now here's to hoping they fix the other very serious exploits that people have been abusing on a large scale as well and banning all who abused em heh.
The further I get with crafting the more I am not liking it at all. Overall its not to bad but the as you progress it really starts to get pretty lame if you don't dish out any ADs to speed things up. My biggest beef with the system in its current state: 1) You can not acquire green+ quality tools and such for increased…
I really don't mind the Zen Store so much other than maybe prices being a bit high in general, the biggest problem for me is the ridiculous amount of AD required for pretty much everything and the fact that if you don't get lucky with drops (or be greedy and need on everything as most people are doing atm in dungeons)…
I agree they really do need to implement a better reward system of some kind for Foundry missions considering its the bread and butter of Neverwinter. Having endless free content out there which you don't have to create yourself is a great idea to keep players playing while you can work on other aspects of the game but the…
Theres a basic Power/Feat Calculator up here for now you can use. No link feature for your completed build yet so just have to screenshot it but I'm sure we'll get a good fully functional calculator before to long hehe.
Really hoping the Warlock really is next over the Ranger (though I'm interested in ranger to) as thats the class I want to play most and it makes most sense. We already have 2 melee types (TR and GWF), 2 'support' types (Guardian and Cleric), and 1 Caster. WTB 1 More caster next (if not both it and ranger hehe). Also in…
Without a lot of time to play yet since launch I haven't made it very far yet to try all this out and see how some things have changed but this is the setup I ran during beta weekends and plan on trying out again on live. Race: Tiefling - for bonus Int and Increased damage against lower hp targets (paired with feat for…
I havent gotten far enough to grab this since live so I am not sure about the double pressing to activate myself but I am sure its a bug. As for the usefulness of Sudden Storm, in previous betas I found it to be great, but not until higher levels. I found it pretty lackluster when first got it but after obtaining a few…
I'm in the same boat as you, I don't care so much for using ice/chill abilities and prefer to stick to mostly arcane. I haven't gotten very far since official launch yet but I played a lot during the last few betas (so not sure how much things may have changed at higher lvls yet). That being said I ran an almost identical…
My understanding of Celestial Coins is that theres multiple tiers of rewards so while the first set of items available you see right away may not be all that great once you unlock them all and move to the next tier the items will become increasingly better. At least that looks like the way it works but I haven't researched…
1 - House Benre 2 - Barrison Del'Armgo 3 - HAMSTER Tlabbar 4 - Xorlarrin 5 - Mizzrym This is of course based on houses that still exist today and not previously destroyed houses that were arguably more powerful than some of the current ones such as DeVir.