That, and perhaps more importantly it's more difficult to break a bad habit than it is to avoid forming it in the first place. Why suffer through trial and error myself when there are knowledgeable people who might give guidance and clear up any confusion? No need to learn the hard way when someone else already did and can…
Hm, guess I'll have to break the habit of guarding red stuff now if it breaks more easily at higher levels and I get more damage with a fuller meter. Thanks for the replies folks!
On the subject of it being buggy, anyone else notice that sometimes minion type mobs will get confused for a few seconds when you pop it? They occasionally react the same way to my Unstoppable GWF as they do my Stealthed TR; purple question mark overhead, standing around for a second or two. Normally they come at me again,…
Not saying it doesn't have its uses besides trolling melee, and that they should only use singularity so I can feel better about myself. I have no problem with Ice Storm itself; I just have a problem with the people who use it on trash pulls as soon as I finally manage to get the enemies nice and clumped up or just about…
As a melee, I'm ecstatic if the CW uses Singularity at all. Most run in, Ice Storm, run out. I wish I had a Daily that made everything immune to their attacks for eight seconds just to troll them back.
Looking over the passives, and assuming they aren't 1/x and increase with multiple ranks, gotta say I mostly agree with your initial choice of passives. 1% less damage taken and Deflect severity... wooo, hardly helps at all if I don't have threat, which 1% damage helps more with even if it's just barely. Speaking of, more…
Well, mystery solved. Made a GF, opened up the Power page, and after clicking "View Paths" there it was with the powers listed and everything. ****. At least I can still hope that the next GWF paragon path will be tank focused. TY for the info Talley.
Doesn't work for me either, version 3.4.7 build 13808. Also works on anything else. There's an in-game recording tool, post somewhere in the forums about it. But it sounded like such a hassle compared to using fraps that I personally won't bother with it.
I loved DDO at first. Until I got to level 6 and found out that in order to get any further I would either have to pay to unlock some more quests, or group with people who insist on having voice chat on so I can listen to them eat Doritos and yell at their kids.
First things first, I love Slam and will likely continue using it. The mobility aspect of it appeals to me most, as I can run around yelling "WHEE!!!" while aggroing three groups for the CW to wrap up in a Singularity so the DC can toss a Divinity mode spear in there. Fun times. Avalanche of Steel would be my favorite,…
Good thing I read that, I was about to post a huge thing about how he should just get a cleric pet and other advice. So instead, I'll post a small thing. To those leveling a GWF and having similar issues as the OP; get the cleric pet. Seriously, Little Miss Healbot has saved my life so many times. In dungeons she allows me…
Aye, no other game I have played recently has lag issues as serious as Neverwinter. For the most part it only affects going places in town, but now and then it happens when I'm just out questing. So if I can play any MMO out there and experience zero lag issues, then come to Neverwinter and I randomly rubberband and…
A lot of things in cash shops are obscenely overpriced, but somehow somewhere along the line the precedent was set that $30+ for a better horse was the base price point. Some offer them for much cheaper but don't make them account wide, some charge a bit more and do make them account wide, but in general if you want…
You know those green bubbles they plop all over the place? Pretty sure being in them heals any nearby lizards. I say this because in the skirmish I was beating on some trappers who would just not go down in health, I look around, and there are people just standing in the bubbles. The mystics weren't casting anything other…
I got mine around the tenth box or so. The very next one was the pet. Seven were statues, which I traded in and got a set of epic gear at 60; amazing how cheap GWF stuff can be. The other was a lesser tene enchant, which I probably wouldn't have sold if I knew that only certain enchants can go in the special sockets. But…
I'll be excited when Ranger comes out. Or the new paragon paths. From what I've seen advertised in the Feywild mod so far, all that really piques my interest is the Foundry stuff. New races? If they weren't both elves, maybe. New zone? Not done leveling my first character yet so it's hard for me to care, but I do like…
Currently 42, GWF damage is kinda low compared to TR at first, that much I've noticed. As others have said it really helps to keep your weapon up to date, even blues get outdated rather quickly and it can make the difference between an Encounter one-shotting a weak minion or having to hit it a couple of times with Sure…
This game is somewhere between a traditional MMO with oodles of situational powers, and a traditional hack'n'slash where you have only a few powers that do more than one thing at a time. This makes it so that while you may have many, you have to choose between a few. Honestly I kinda like it that way, because having so…
Quoting the parts that I could relate to as I ran a few events on my clerics; one a level 27 I'm leveling with my brother, and one level 6 that I had to start using because I nearly dinged 28 on the other and didn't want to get ahead but of course still wanted the weapon skin. Anyhow, I ran the CTA with both clerics and…
Waaait... does this mean that you can take the appearance of one item, put it on another, and have the changed appearance be put on a third item? For instance, I have three orbs; A, B, and C. I want B to look like A, so I shell out the AD and do it up. Later on I come across orb C, and it's a huge upgrade over B so I want…
Update: Got the CW special on the third run. Perhaps the dye packs are something like 75-85%, with the special weapon and pet being in the remainder. I do have a question about appearance change though, and hopefully can get an answer without spending thousands of diamonds; can you only use a skin for change once? Or is it…
Woa, how'd this get off the front page? Leveling my Human GWF, 31 at the moment, using the talents you suggest but put the three extra into Steely Defense. Figured it would do the most good since my racial gives some extra defense, which in turn gives extra power! Endless Assault does look pretty good too, however... My…
Aye, I was pretty disappointed when I saw that was the case. So far I've done cloak tower and cragmire crypts, and it's always boss and a few adds, then some more adds, then more adds, and a bunch of bad on the ground to avoid. Even the skirmish and quest bosses so far are like that. Sometimes the adds come on faster,…
I had a similar experience on my level 19 GWF, had people beating on me with apparently just their at-wills and didn't bother to dodge so I was able to almost spam unstoppable and keep four people on me without fear of dying. If people bothered to use their encounters it wasn't any of their CC ones (or maybe just used them…
Repair bills, corpse runs, exp loss on death... Basically, anything that punishes death on top of losing progress within the dungeon or fight. I can understand why there ought to be a penalty for dying, but deaths in online games are not always the player's fault. Game crashes, come back, dead. Internet decides to hiccup,…
What I want to know is what sort of ranger are we looking at getting? Bowslinger, or dual wielder? Given the current classes it would make sense to have it an archer type, since of the five 3 are melee, but I bet a lot of folks would be furious if they couldn't Drizz't it up.