It fixed the party list for sure but now all my font is to small to read, in my quest journal etc... Of course I raised my chat font but that is little of the total font on screen. Some feature ! What exactly is this feature anyway ? I have never had an issue with my party list overlapping anything. LOL
Feature ? Added when ? I have been playing nearly 2 years and this just now has started to happen. UI ? So my words have to be smaller for the party list to go up and down so they don't enter the center of my screen and end up cover foes and allies in fights? Sigh.
Yeah umm no ! There is and should always be benefits in being a veteran of a game. Restarting in future mods is just plain silly and would result in the loss of many long standing players. Upgrades are expected, although many times unwanted but they are the standard in MMOs, making changes to even out the veteran players…
Yes I played and was in KTO, and had this exact name. Loved the pvp clouds you could jump into ! It was hilarious, loads of fun ! I only remember two guild members names, KTOBear and KTOViper, brothers. Good times.
Odd timing to post this, I mean they are working on mod6 and I think everyone would agree that is far more important and should have all hands on deck, yes ? I am sure at some point this will be addressed.
Coalescent Ward Guarantees the Upgrade of an Enchantment, Runestone, or Artifact during Refinement. This item is consumed on any Upgrade attempt where it is. You can buy them with zen or from the trade bar merchant. They also can be found in the coffers that you can get when you turn in celestial coins you earn from…
I happen to love it. I love collecting pets/companions. I have bought one so far (Hunter) and would like to buy another, I'll see how it goes. Also no I am not rich.
So i've still yet to complete on any character. Problems I see with this quest thus far : The bones once dug up stay there for an indeterminate length of time, i've waited up to 10 mins for a re-spawn, gotten frustrated and left to a new spot , rinse and repeat. The dig spot can be stolen by other players (ninja-ed) while…