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What is the Arc Client?
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  • j0kerspsycho, dude, you're a genius! I hate to sound like a commercial, but, BEFORE I respec-ed my Hunter Ranger according to your build, I was struggling to stay alive. It was frustrating. I was avoiding confrontation, trying to sneak by enemies. But no more! Now, following your build, I actually go out of my way to pick…
  • Yikes, there's a lot here to absorb. Steep, STEEP learning curve. Tag for future reference. But, right now, I have one question: Is there any way to REMOVE refining points before hitting that point-of-no-return "Upgrade" button? I put some items in there that I want back. I can't seem to fine an option to cancel the…
  • Am I reading that right? 148 (in Dr. Evil voice, with pinky gesture) MILLION!?!?! You're OVER TWICE the next player!!!! That's incredible! Well, again, thanks for all the info. While I'm loving this game, all these decisions about where to put what where and when confuses me. All games like this have me second-guessing my…
  • This is amazing information. I respec-ed my Hunter Ranger to almost identical specifications as listed above. I favor the bow (I'm a longbow archer in real life), so I adjusted accordingly. But my build will end up nearly word-for-word like yours. Thanks for this! Much appreciated! I have to ask though, purely out of…