I hope this helps someone out there, but in the Libraries tab of wincfg, disabling d3d compiler 47 but adding/enabling d3d compiler 46 works just fine. I'm currently running the game under Windows 7 as opposed to the default XP version on Kubuntu 16.10 with the latest stable wine installed. (gtx 750 ti, i5 6500, 8gb ram,…
Cryptic loading screen crash. This happens after the game itself crashed while I was doing nothing. I have no idea how the game could have gone from running flawlessly to not at all under d3d11 (Kubuntu 16.10, latest stable wine/drivers/updates etc, d3d9, 10, 11 installed, compiler_47 disabled, mono, gecko, and xact…
Many thanks to Miasmat and two30 for their support for an unsupported platform. Disabling d3dcompiler_47 did the trick. I had to endure just a couple of clunky game restarts, but I managed to log in just fine on the 3rd attempt. Between you, you have made me a happy, contented, and grateful gamer :)
Superb. Thank you both for your help and support. It's very much appreciated. I'm giving this a go right now. Should all go well, I'll be a happy clam. If not, then all I can say is that I've gotten support from Miasmat and two30 for an OS that isn't officially supported! That's great customer service, no matter how you…