Why is it an Either/ Or.... with the phenomenal amount of money the community has poured at this game, its time to pay the piper, nothing free to play here, it gives me that real life feeling of when you have to pay to take a pee.... not good. Stop charging foe everything, especially things that to be honest you have no…
I'm having a similar issue, 4 or 5 crashes yesterday after the 5th i gave up, thought it would have sorted itself out but same today, i'm here after 3rd crash, seems random or leaning towards graphics. getting fed up as when i get into PO i darent go do anything for the crash, haven't seen the fay stuff at all yet :/
erm... helloooooo the mounts are seriously cheaper i understand.... go buy one.. fill your boots... gods sake its like taking your coffe back because they gave you too much....REALLY!
erm.... you paid 3000 zen for a purple mount..... you have a purple mount... all i can see here is.... he's got more than me, mine cost more than his, mwahmwahmwah.... get a grip children, seems the only people winging here are the ones that got nothing for free, and hate the idea that others did... All this baloney about…
I wanted to ask, since it has come to my attention that whilst playing pvp (CW) there is this invisible entity which seems to deplete my heath from full bar down to dead, sometimes faster than others, my question is... how do i have a defence from this entity if i cannot target it at all, apart from run away like a minger.…
I can call my cat "dog" that doesn't make my cat a dog.... hah, but it makes my cat think he's a dog.... woof seriously, its an open BETA, you dont have to spend one single penny of real money if you dont want to, the fact that you have just means you have more money than patience, as is frequently demonstrated on the…
Hahahahhaahhaha why does everyone get so uptight, theres a prayer that i'm rather fond of which seems to apply here.... just to clarify though i am an agnostic... The Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. ...
Where the hell do they come up with this stuff.... If you so scared of letting someone other than an american win, the answer is simple....duplicate the prizes for gods sake, its not like they even cost you anything is it? or are you giving away a Car...? a House? thats in America? LoL oh and if there are actual phisical…
Oh dear, very tricky. I have got to level 54, i would gladly give up all my cash and diamonds and zen if this will cripple the thieves, ( i want back all original amounts that i have purchased and been awarded for packs etc. though) however hand on heart i would not start again from scratch, i have built my leadership to…
None none none, infact the only time i ever played a male character is when i rolled a warforge in DDO and thats because they are identical but the male warforge has a much better /laugh ;)