I have no idea how why what happened... I logged in normaly and it asked me if I wanted to merge my PWE account with an existing Cryptic one, I pressed NO so they asked me to create a Cryptic Display name... on the PW Website my name is Kitchup, on the launcher it is Enyndel (the cryptic display name I just chose)... I…
I logged on the main neverwinter website with those same login/pwd, went to my zen purchase history and the 70€ I spent are there, so it is NOT a new account. I have also been logging in for 2 weeks with this account I have a lvl 60 nearly 9K GS ...
I did this, it made a new one but nothing has changed so far... I don't think it has smth to do with the shards though. When I logged in today it asked me if I had a cryptic account, I pressed no and It asked me to chose a Crypstic display name so I did... Maybe it messed up somthing ? :( I appreciate your help though !…
I never share my login info with anyone... and I only play from home, my wifi network is protected by WPA2-PSK... my info aren't written anywhere either... and as I said earlier their login system checks the device or IP and sends an email to verify it...
You don't have to troll here with your hacking stuff... if the IP adress is different the device (computer) would have to be validated through email code... I haven't received any email about this today... And also a hacker wouldn't deleted char, just steal what he can and let me refarm more so they have a free gold farmer.