Maybe try and get a guild that you could roll with or meet some friends who will have your back, pref a cleric since everyone needs one. So they want a cleric for a group they have to bring you along too. Not saying you don't know what you're doing but it seems thats what needs to be done now since people rarely give…
guess it wont work for anyone. I don't have a decent computer, just has an updated graphics card but yea it could run crysis 3 and skyrim with 100+ addons but they did something to it around may 13/14th when everyone took hits that didnt care about your computer. Hopefully they are working on it but they seem awfully quiet…
i think gf's have feats that give them extra (temp) hp when they get healed, and another feat that gives them power based off their extra hp. So because of the temp hit points, they get temp power along with it.
Why even worry about topping the meters? Just do your job, if you want to top meters go make a TR. Control stuff, aoe stuff down, debuff. It's what a CW is for. Sure they have really good dps. Trash just aoe down, 'elites' just sith choke hold the HAMSTER. Another comes running and you have repel, push it off your healer…
theres a guy on twitch who has a saved gwf vid titled like '10k gs gwf answers questions' and he had a drow gwf, but said ultimately a human would be a solid choice since u can go 3/3 in that one feat that gives you 15% more armor, add on humans 3% more armor, then the one feat that turns your armor into power. So it seems…
facestomping with a legacy weapon. Not everyone is a founder so I'm sure a GWF with a legacy weapon will be pretty good starting out and probably horrid w/o one.