Well, I have tried ever since Respen came out to queue for it, but it has never allowed me in. I enjoyed it thoroughly last year, but since they bugged out their queuing system, I cannot join any queue for anything: events, skirmishes, dungeons, etc. Only way I can get in is to pre-form a party and then join. I am sorely…
You guys really want to make a ton of money? You need to start selling a token that will make any Bind on Character item (mount, companion, etc...) to Bind on Account. Dude, I'd buy several. Have a killer mount on a junk character I want for my main, but can't use. If I spent 1000 zen on a token like this, I would do it in…
I must say, this is the happiest I have been with you guys since I started this game. This combined with the new Mod makes me so extremely pleased you have no idea. The past few Mod's and "changes" have been almost a detriment, but this seems like finally taking several steps forward. Thank you all for this, and I can't…
I hope my incredibly high expectations aren't dashed into the ground like a child dropping his first ice cream cone. I am hoping this gets me back into actually doing zone quests again, it's been a long time...SH stuff is just soooooo boring.....
Guys, it's painfully obvious this isn't about "appeasing" current players. They do not care about current or past whales. All they want to do is increase their future player whale base. You and me are relics, we're past our prime. It's the new breed that they care about. It's all about the all-mighty dollar...
It's all horsepucky. With AD being the most common currency in this game, there needs to be many more ways to acquire it. EVERY daily should give some sort of AD. With 3 or 4 in each level (DR, IWD, SH, WoD), at maybe 1k each, that would be a nice way to increase your AD stores as well as give non-pvp players a way to earn…
/\ what he said. Not only read what they want to read, but read what some troll said and believe it, then spread it themselves ad nauseum... Personally, I'm looking forward to whatever new content they bring. I can HOPE they don't simply rehash prior areas, pretty much what we all can do really. Just hope it's scaled…
Re-work of the trade bar store has me super nervous. Coal wards are ridiculous to purchase on the zen store, and if you make from scratch anything epic you're looking at spending a car payment. The only way this would make me happy is to add MORE items to the trade bar store, and make the gear they sell there actually…
I wonder if they'll revamp current areas and make them new content lol. Seriously though, I cannot wait for this to come out. I can only imagine Demon Skin armor, demon gear. I'm freaking amped.
I add new characters just to re-live the early adventuring. Once they get to level 60 then the fun kind of goes away. Sure, I'll invoke and whatnot just to get them to 70, but I'd rather do all those old quests again. That was the fun part. As well as learning the new characters and their attacks. That is what you need to…
I agree. Have about 10 of these in my bank. I haven't spent AD to upgrade any up to purple but I have been tempted. The White Wolf is pretty awesome, but why spend all that $$$ when it's simply cosmetic.
Logged in! New invocation system and invoked all my chars, kind cool. However, NO 2X RP! Then, guess what...got booted, can't log back in. Hmmmmmmmm...................
It's kind of strange, actually, having played this game for so long, to see the turn it has taken. The devs are really wanting to help us, I feel that completely. But I have a feeling their hands are simply tied by The Man. The Man looks only at quick-dinero, instead of long-term dinero. Bad way of thinking in my opinion
Hmmm... 50% more hitpoints means 1,000,000 dude now has 1,500,000. Instead of hitting you for 500,000 damage he hits you for 375,000 damage. So it takes you 50% longer to kill him, while he takes 25% longer to kill you. Meaning what? They 1.2 hit kill you instead of 1 hit kill you. Awesome ***applause***....
I AGREE 100%. As a p2w player, I even see this is bad. Real bad. They just set a precedent that they never should have set. It's one thing to spend some cash to buy a purple mount right off the bat, knowing that someone who cannot pay can still eventually upgrade their free green mount to purple through grinding. But to…
Dude, did anyone seriously believe this wouldn't be nerfed at one time or another? Consider it a gift, and kick yourself for not taking vacation from work and spending all day in IWD snagging all the aquas. The moment we saw the HE's were dropping these, we started talking about when they are changing this. Look at it this…
Received email while I was playing, popped it up on my phone within seconds of getting it, BAM. Didn't work. It's funny how simple the suggestions we give seem, but creating the code to do as such is not as easy as it sounds. That said, there have been many in-game gifts that are either bind on account, bind on pickup, or…
I hear you. I was 23.6k GS before the mod. I'm still pretty squishy, but so far I've kept my HR Stormwarden. I haven't made it to Spinward yet, and when I just turned 70 IWD giants tore me up super quick. But, I still remember the first time I went in to Icewind Dale. It was the exact same....I got smoked. Then, after…
Lol. You guys honestly think this won't last hours longer than expected? The last major update they made took an extended 2 hours, and that had 1/50th the quantity of change this will bring. I would wager to guess we likely will not be playing much today, if at all. Unless you happen to be in a part of the world where it…