As far as the off-hand power, Chilling Presence seems very nice. I'm curious as to how it compares to Storm Spell. Chilling Presence seems like a straight 3% damage increase as soon as you get your 6 stacks of chill.
Ironzerg, I noticed a couple of times in your guide where you said you no longer use the full HV set. I play on XBox and wanted to make sure that's still the recommended set for us. I'm finding it difficult to get my ArPen up without putting Dark rank 7's in every offensive slot. FYI - I have all my artifact gear except…
Thanks romotheone. I thought it was implied that I was SS Renegade since I asked about ironzerg's rotation. But I'll try to be more specific in the future. :-)
Thanks for the guide ironzerg79. I've been talking to some other CW's in my guild and discussing our rotations. I typically start an AoE pull with CoI (on tab) so i can start doing damage right away at range. Others are running toward the adds and dropping IT. Could you share your rotations for AoE and single target pulls?…