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  • not my fault the sticky says if you detail how to recreate exploits you'll get banned, :( also since its now patched, the bugwith the bag was that you can share the quest to somone who hasnt done it, and they coudl complete it and then you share it again, and again.. and again.. and so on.
  • dont have a ss, and you don't think i already have? also cute, im way too judgemental though so ill just stop posting, inb4 trollbait
  • rest of it more valuable to whats left? yes rest of it more valuable to whats in total? no. out of play doesn't stay out of play. read a few posts back and youll see what i mean the only benefit here is as imivo aptly stated, value of rough AD and the cap will go up which is a good thing for the games longevity, but the…
  • i've lost my faith in humanity after reading those two posts, i give up, good night guys, hope a dev reads this thread. and for the record i know because he showed me. and also you probably shouldn't advertise yourself as a "full time gamer" that's just kind of funny lol, i also never advocated a wipe, but some kind of…
  • my eyes burn. ill try to explain it again Guy x amassed 200m, causing the economy to collapse in prices the things he sold for 500k a peice are now 15k each. he waits a week or two for economy to stabilize. everyone now has 1m or so and is selling and buying items at that price this guy still has 200m, time to go buy a…
  • he's right though, nothing can fix this issue, the only thing now that can be done is damage control. FLOOD THE ECONOMY WITH MORE AD GOGO jokes aside, damage control needs to be done.
  • because detailing it specifically is grounds to be banned on the forums. ill just show you some videos instead. http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?218241-So-I-crit-for-181-million-damage-on-my-Tiefling-Control-Wizard-in-PvP/page2 and theres a GWF and GF one
  • this is also true, im not totally against the accessability of items, im against the amassed wealths of the exploiters who got to it quickly and now have purchasing power that will let them buy small villages with their spare change.
  • dude this post is so totally true, im not even going to deny it. i really am not. my pie slice is too small. but my other point you're overlooking is that if: profits are halfed, and prices are halfed, is all relative cost the same? nope, cause of AD sinks :( respecing is 160k, removing a gem is 40-70k, transmuting an item…
  • it's okay im going to give him a 100 trillion z$ bill for christmas, maybe he'll think he's rich :)
  • This, ristana, this. live? not for long.
  • THIS. ****ing THIS. somone gets it.. the longevity of the game is what is at stake. not my epeen. not my wallet, but PWE's ****ING GAME.
  • oh my god... i .. i tried to explain it.. clearly you dont understand acutal value vs relative value and buying power.. x.x because of the fact that zen has become less ad per zen, and because of the fact that everything is cheap that means you make LESS ad. and that is why zen is worth LESS ad because you can make LESS ad…
  • ithink you mean zen and not ad. but if this isn't the most gamebreaking bug i've seen in NW, i don't know what is. its so easy to fix. seriously i could do it.. im not even being an *** and saying that im saying give me the **** pirate map in the foundry and i can fix it. literally encounter - boss dies? yes? despawn adds…
  • if thats the case then i stand corrected, but even with that true it doesn't change the situation that this game is facing, and still my point remains valid, even if he(and by extension he=group of exploiters totaling more than he has since 200m is still a drop in the bucket) keeps the AD, the economy still suffers a…
  • i know of at least four other people doing this but they have only made a few mill each, like 10-20, that sucks but they're not completely destroying the economy. the biggest difference between this and STO is the nonexistant relative AD injection. on release people bought founder packs and tons of AD was injected into the…
  • Actually, selling raw AD could still yield great profits (16/1m) but even more scary is his ability to amass that zen and put it into an STO account, easily destabilizing that already volatile economy, you could easily convert zen into dilithium (or credits? dont remember which) and sell those, destabilizing both games.…
  • i love blizzard as a company, and i love pwe. i enjoy sto. and i enjoy NW. the game itself is wonderful, im not badmouthing the company nor am i fanboy, i both providing an objective look at this issue while posting it emotionally as i am deeply disturbed by the lack of action taken. i would say if not taken immediately…
  • D3 still holds this record. duping gold and items and then selling them right back on the RMAH for legal profit was as bad as it could get. oh don't even get me started on non encrypted CLIENT SIDE session ID's
  • you have absolutely zero understanding of the way economics works then. ill try to dumb it down as best i can. there is a hard cap of 20 thousand astral diamonds per character being generated a day, all other income is netted through means of player exchange, the vast majority of all AD running around currently is…
  • i rarely ever pay money for games, and i gave 85$ to PWE, im already severely regretting this decision. sure i had fun and probally still will in time but man i don't feel it was money well spent. PWE does not deserve my money if they are not going to adress these issues in the timely manner that they need to be addressed…
  • i agree, just rollback some **** or something this is obscene game hasnt even been out for 2 weeks and the exploits have completley destroyed my desire to play. the leveling exploits? okay sure people exploited their way to 60. that doesn't really affect me all that much, sure people get in on the content earlier than me…
  • i know exactly how to recreate both of these bugs that people are exploting and i sent messages to the devs, but will they fix it? NO. im so close to quitting because of this...
  • nvm qqqqqqqq
  • an hour? really? good
  • but what about the damage its doing to the economy, like, it's already ruined.. my definition of ruined is deflated to the point that one can not reasonably make enough money in a day of effort to be able to afford removing one enchant, or transmuting an item or respeccing, etc.
  • whats more depressing is seeing this happen and knowing people who do this, and knowing that they never have action taken against them, despite me personally reporting each and every one of them.
  • http://gyazo.com/5285ba74ef32661ad49a55b5939d1dfe.png tell that to somone i know. this is after 30 minutes of using damage exploits and resetting boss exploits. he's been doing this for 3 days straight.
  • This is what wow does. you're only allowed to need on things your class can use and if you do they become BOP, BOE if greeded. that system is perfect, imo also ive been trying really hard to find people to run with but i can't find any sadly.
  • my god i wish i could have played with this before it was fixed, that just looks halarious