This is getting a little rude, I realize there are likely elemental to this we don't see. Anything from Face saving to Dev/Game politics, to internal discussion about it (or nothing at all and this thread is being ignored) but I mean really they should at least say "Sorry, Bug" or "Totally Intend" or "There is more to this…
So I really hope this is... A.) A bug (Based on it being a "green" option after a "blue" option) especially since dread ring will be the new thing, unless they plan to have a choice between the old and new option and its just not working right now all. B.) An indication that the Zen price will plummet to something like 200…
Shards Explosion does, but not bolder bumping targets Chill Strike Tabbed does no idea of entangle Chilling clouds last hit does Storm Pillar does not Easy test with evocation passive and training dummy
Also, about fashion items, They really should add a fashion weapon slot. At first I thought they didn't so they could keep fashion weapons transmute cost as a diamond sink... then they added the "Free transmute" keyword! I would very much just like a item slot in fashion for fashion weapons.
Yeah I agree When I started playing and Srg. Knox told me to get some off duty clothing I thought would eventually have a few more options then dirty stitched peasant cloths for someone who has earn the right to talk to Lord Neverember! I've always wanted my wizard to have something like the hexer's look, Pirate Sorcerers!…
Wow this is some strong feed back, actually I'm almost in love with this new system, with 1 critical flaw. So the whole idea behind this new system is to make it as accessible to many players. Allowing people to work on the enchantment currently equipped in their gear, great idea! Collecting enchantments to build points to…
About the feel of the game and the target cap, perhaps you could do something a little more middle ground. An elegant solution that both makes sense and helps it make the graphic work like it appears, whilst leaving wizard exactly were you want its damage to be. Set various powers to have a soft cap on targets. If the soft…