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  • Unless you take into account that if i stack 0 defense I just rendered that debuff useless, and hit you for a double whammy because not only is it not doing anything.. or very little if all I have is a small amt of base defense, but all that room you used to stack that useless stat could have been used to stack something…
  • aha, quite possible.. readint it though: Deflection severity: How much damage you avoid when you deflect an attack= 25%... are you sure I'm the one inverting it? Across several other posts that seems to be the understanding of most other ppl as well? So I would definately love to be incorrect and find that deflection seems…
  • Thats pretty much my point. Pvp isn't great because they've chosen to focus on PVE. And thats perfectly fine. There are plenty of options a person has to choose from if PVP is all theyre looking for. Add to that the rewards being not that big a deal other than a waypoint to judge one's time in the arena a tiny bit and ya..…
  • Yes... its not like ArP does nothing.. THe question is does it do more than your other available options? No, it doesnt. Its already been crunched. Its not like you won't see a difference if you replace ArP from starting with nothing. You, and every class atm, will just see more diffence in damage over time AND your spke…
  • Id challenge you to remove all of your ArP and replace it with a priority of power/crit/recovery and see your output double. Then post again.
  • Its less a question of whether it helps, more a question of whether it helps more than other stats you have the option of stacking. In short, no. You get far too much benefit from the other available options... Power, Crit, recovery... even the survivability value from regen or lifesteal really do more for you than the…
  • Could have been changed... atm its 25% not 50%. Now, if there were skills that could have an effect on deflection of 25% like some do with crit severity, then deflection gets interesting. ATM.... Only very rarely is it going to have made a difference that actually mattered. If you chronically sit so low in HP that 25%…
  • I think you've fallen into assuming that combat mechanics in this game are functioning atm (whether intentionally or not) the way they do a several other MMOs. THey aren't, and don't. Clerics first and foremost, in classic DnD parties, have never been the sole source of healing. Pots were pretty common. Based on the way…
  • didn't see this already addressed, but its actually added to your weapon's base damage. Ya.. pretty worthless if youre talking an extra 20 pts to a 130k shocking ex... but on the other hand added to weapon damage, with its multiplicative effect... Through power you stand to gain more than the net difference between a level…
  • you'd have to remove a lot more than that. DnD is about lore far more than a particular method of playing. In case you haven't been paying attn, the pen and paper version itself looks quite a lot different now than it did 30 years ago. Find where encounter powers, at will powers and etc are even brought up in ed. 1, 2 or…
  • Well lets see... lets apply a little bit of idiot's logic to the classes... CWs are designed around shutting down and killing. Rogues are designed around stealthing and killing. CLerics aren't.. Nor are GFs. Is there some confusion as to the way the classes are designed to work? Don't come to this game for pvp. Its that…
  • I'm so glad the man with the authority to decide such things made an appearance. Can i get your autograph, Mr Gygax Jr?
  • Clearly you never pvp'd in DDO... or Tabula Rasa (which had great pvp imo, but which also drew a love hate line with ppl), or Ultima Online when dexxers could hit you so fast you couldnt even use a heal pot for the interrupting, and then you got your corpose looted and all your **** stolen to boot (back when it was a man's…
  • Heres your prize... A free pass to play the game all you like and never have to pay a dime. Cry me a river man. 7 hours of time... content you get to experience again.. Hell, there is enough content you can run those levels and never have to see the same content 10 times. Go do some foundry... Why in God's name ppl are so…
  • check your email.
  • Just a guess, but I'm assuming that... with the 30th of April being when "open beta" started, a lot of ppl discovered and joined on that following date? May goes back several weeks, eh? Were almost in June now.
  • removed by poster :)
  • Yawn... have you not read the many many responses about what is being done with accounts prior to the window who were exploiting? For those, its a small enough number that they can afford the manpower to deal with them on a case by case. Its been acknowledged several times... Hell go read the GD FAQ that headed this entire…
  • Yes! Totally! The master plan in action! Dr Fu Manchu is up to his old antics again! Forming PWE! Notice that the letters are PWE!? The real satanic meaning of that is clearly "People We're Evil!" If u don't see that then you are obviously totally in cahoots with them!
  • to be perfectly honest im glad to see the report feature is working and on a low tolerance. 24 hour ban? meh who cares. use voice chat for a day and leave zone chat turned off. way too much garbage and trolling being spewed in that mess anyhow. Sorry to you personally if you truly did nothing to warrant the ban.. but i…
  • Lol nice copy and paste the guy did to a post some other guy already got his covers pulled about faking long ago, dude. Notice the place this guy supposedly "reported" these issues has nothing to do with cryptic, neverwinter, or anything else?
  • After the rollback, WHAT cat companions? Lol, i joke.. somewhat. But were there really THAT many to be see before the rollback? THose before the rollback window, if you read the FAQ, will be dealt with case by case.
  • I'm not calling you a troll.. I'm calling you a hypocrite :) Relax, that was meant to be a joke people.
  • 99% of the ppl claiming to have posted about this bug did no such thing. Thats a nice claim to make after the fact... Given the way things suddenly went widely out of control, its clear most ppl claiming ot have reported this bug actually played the old game of, "hey, don't tell anyone about this exploit but here is how it…
  • Because once a game is properly released, its completely exploit and bug free? At least during the time period they are billing as an beta period, the direction funds from purchases theoretically goes is hopefully more in teh direction of work being done on the game, rather than even moreso simply into the pockets of…
  • It does suck that some ppl will lose a few things, but the window of time the rollback affects if pretty darn small. Anyone who tries to say they got much more than genearlly 2 or 3 full dungeon runs finished in that wondow of time was either exploiting in some way themself or not being honest... and thats if they were…
  • YOu can at least securely know that you and how you feel are solidly in the majority. When things like this are done by the few... the rest just have to scratch their head and wonder.
  • selling escape goat... -10,000,000,000 AD
  • Lol youre kidding me right? You deserve some kind of compensation for not being allowed to play a game you have no actual right to demand anything from? Ok.. how about this... You get a free pass to play the game all you like when the servers are up. Read the EULA. If you think you're somehow guaranteed some kind of play…
  • Oh and Ill re-emphasize "albeit with a few issues being ironed out"... some off passives, aggro mechanics, the like aren't game breaking either. Hell, every current MMOs goes through this on a daily basis a decade after first launch. Youre telling me that in this case that means the game is broken? Get real. There are…