They changed that, now if you unlock a certain set, ie: Dread Legion, on your CW, its unlocked for every other toon, you just have to put the armor chest in your account shared bank, then open it on your other toon that you want to unlock it, you will get the "dread legion cw armor set" discard that, go to the campaign…
I dont think unbinding would be viable, maybe making a token that can make stuff BoA, like artifact equipement, artifacts, mounts, companions, this would make the game abit more alt'friendly
Best i've had are flawless saphires, friends said they've dropped black opals..tho its somehow strange.. if seen Wonderers fortune procc and i get no RP sometimes
I think its -Hammerstone armor -Thayan gloves -Boots, theres quite some boots that look alike, but the only one i remember the name is Heroic Conspirator
+1 for this, plze let us keep our old appearance, for example my main toon is a halfling, and to be honest I hate the new male halfling appearance and would love to keep the current one I have(old one).