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  • Ultima 7 was my favorite. I didn't much care for any of the ones that came after that. After that I would say Ultima 4 was my 2nd favorite.
  • You are not alone. People who are angry often pretend to speak for more than just themselves.
  • I lived in a rural area in Minnesota and didn't have a local dialup to AOL so I never played the game much, but I did have a few choice phone bills for a while when I tried to play it. Was just too expensive because of the access. I LOVED the battletech game on Gamestorm. I hope the new game has some ability to recapture…
  • According to who's definition? Each company itself defines their own testing and release criteria. There is no rulebook for game release. If you don't like how the company operates or the game plays then don't play it. No one has any obligation to keep you as a customer, especially if you don't like it. Not all games are…
  • You should make sure your screenshots use a lossless compression format before you copy and paste things between them. Clearly a rectangle of copy/paste around that 16 days ago. What do you have to gain by lying about something like this? I mean do you have nothing better to do than try and destroy a community? You are…
  • Why is wanting to fund your project automatically greed? Since when is producing a product and selling it considered greedy? No one is selling you anything that you can't test, play, and decide if you want to invest in it. No one is stealing money out of your wallet. You have to decide to spend your money or not. So who is…
  • They have NO obligation to tell you ANYTHING about their development plans. You are not entitled to ANYTHING. Just because you spend money on a game doesn't give you any rights to the development process. The only thing you get is the ability to play the game that is presented. If you don't like the game then don't play…
  • Right but there is much more nuance than what you said in your one liner statement. The problem isn't that there is a wider audience it is that noisy people can make it seem like some problem is much bigger than it is. People don't bother vetting anything that people say and just repeat it over and over again. Hell people…
  • No its really not downhill from there. It's just different. WoW captured a competitive PVE play style that no one else has been able to replicate to the same extent. The problem is not every MMO in the industry is even trying to compete on that level, but there is a group of players that assume every game MUST be trying to…
  • You said something that is correct, but are interpreting incorrectly. Yes people complained, but their sphere of influence was small. Now you can have just a few people all yelling and screaming about something and make it sound like everyone agrees when in reality they are just a very tiny noisy minority. There is no…
  • Remember when people played games instead of *****ing about how everything sucks and unbalanced? How the games we were playing weren't filled with ******bags and <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> complaining about how they should be given everything without having to do anything at all. That they are somehow entitled to…
  • I call BS. Give evidence of reporting this 9 days ago with the response that said that it couldn't happen. Otherwise you are just spouting the same BS that everyone else is. Exploits happen to games all the time. How you respond to them is what is important and I think Cryptic/PW has done a fine job. I love how people…
  • The only one reading more into the open beta tag on this game is you. Beta is a state of the code not a state of release. The open beta tag indicates that things can and will change significantly. So to say that they are trying to hide behind it is just ignorant. I've not seen one comment from Cryptic using the Open Beta…
  • Don't be fooled by what? That the game can and will change. Just because you can spend money on it doesn't mean they are trying to fool you. It is nothing more than a warning label that says that things can and will change. You could say the same thing about release, but the difference is whether gaming sites review your…
  • It's $10 if you pay for it for cash. This is a huge DISINCENTIVE to purchase it this way. The bag is only 318,000 AD in game. Then someone is going to translate that into how many days of farming and that will seem like too much work. Just play the game. If you like playing the game then it shouldn't matter how long it…
    in Zen/AD dilema Comment by joreal May 2013
  • Why should astral diamonds be non-tradeable. Zen is not the in game currency, AD is. Now I'm thinking that they should have made more items buyable with AD directly and left the stuff out of Zen because people have a serious problem thinking about zen in any other aspect other than cash. Except that this is so much better…
    in Zen/AD dilema Comment by joreal May 2013
  • Which the truly competitive is a relatively small minority. PVPers like to think that most people want that level of competition, but the reality is people casually PVP, which pisses off the hardcore PVPers even more because the people suck so bad. No amount of money will make that better. Those people without gear are…
    in Zen/AD dilema Comment by joreal May 2013
  • I wouldn't call GW2 as much of a success and people make it out to be. It is a successful MMO, but it's not competing on the same level as WoW. It's not the next big thing and a lot of people stopped playing it. Otherwise why are they here or looking at Wildstar or any other number of games. GW2 tried to break the model of…
  • I'm not at all saying you can't complain, but my voicing my opinion is simply pointing out the fact that you don't speak for everyone. If this game doesn't offer what you are looking for you can just choose to not play it instead of complaining about how its not the game you thought it was. Give feedback about what you…
    in Zen/AD dilema Comment by joreal May 2013
  • And they will continue to go down in price as more and more people farm up the 7 coin tokens and buy them with AD and buy them with Cash and resell them. This is all just volatile market <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> at the beginning of the game. Everything is always overpriced at the beginning of games until it all…
  • You like to play the game right? So why is it such a chore to play the game and get stuff instead of paying for it in the shop. Why does it matter if I have money in RL and choose to buy this stuff instead of grinding it in game? Why do you care what I do in game at all? Nothing I do in game will directly affect your…
  • Terrible attitude? Because I choose not to let other people's actions affect my fun and gameplay. Care to explain how I have a terrible attitude?
  • Why not...you don't want the server to celebrate your luck with you? Why are you so against people knowing who you are in a multiplayer game?
  • I love how people who aren't running F2P game companies know ALL there is to know about the economics of it. You are looking at it from a consumer and your opinion is biased based on what has been done before. No one has published numbers about how many sales there are of different things so you have no idea what the best…
  • Because anyone cares what some streamer says is the way the game should be played. OH NO Kripparian isn't playing out game oh woah is me. He *****ed about all the things in PoE too.
  • Expect you can get that much AD if you invest cash into the game or some people have been farming purples in level 60 dungeons and selling them. Just because you haven't figured it out doesn't mean there is some grand conspiracy manipulating the market. The price is falling because people are complaining about the prices…
  • Just because you CAN buy a cash shop items for $10 doesn't mean you HAVE too. You can grind up the AD and get the respec as well. Just because you CAN get ZEN with cash and AD with ZEN does NOT mean that AD = Cash. You need to stop thinking that they are taking your cash out of your wallet because they are letting you buy…
  • It's not an english server, it is a global server that supports multiple languages. Why do you care what anyone else is saying in a foreign language? You know how bigoted you sound right now? Just because someone is saying something doesn't mean it is all about you. This game isn't all about you. YOU are playing it, but…
  • Just because you CAN buy a respec for $10 doesn't mean you HAVE too. You can grind up the AD and get a the respec as well. Just because you CAN get ZEN with cash and AD with ZEN does NOT mean that AD = Cash. You need to stop thinking that they are taking your cash out of your wallet because they are letting you buy things…
  • If I wanted to buy your hamburger then I would buy your hamburger. That doesn't mean I have to buy your hamburger though. Just like if you don't like the prices in this game, doesn't mean you have to buy them or even play it. Every game makes up its own economic model. You don't get to decide what they charge, but you get…