where it's important to have the right group who are well equip, it kinda feels like if you want to run spiders cramire,or wolf den the only viable option is to run with 2 protector op and haste support cleric or 2. from my own experience so far there is no other group compositions that have enough defense to withstand the…
things to keep in mind are; which area your in, if in a epic dungeon or icewind dale then the enemies you face have greater defense which lowers you dps, also some bug fixes like plague fire and demise have gone a real long way in taking away those large dps numbers we were used to in previous mod. the shadow of demise one…
https://account.xbox.com/en-us/screenshot/54039f1d-25b4-4c25-a6c4-6acd27e345d6?gamerTag=JonnyBgamer&scid=8dd60100-6cc0-42f2-bb3e-c47b184a79f5 my entry hope i did this right P.S. on an unrelated note they toke away my dear friend artax the only named npc horse that once was located near the guild register and i was pretty…
thought i'd share my expereince with sunburst here just for fun i ran a group of 5 dc with the focus being sunburst mayhem with a little ghost buster crossing the stream role playing too our group was mostly dps builds of average gs rating of around 13k to 16k not only was this fun but it was effective. how effective you…