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What is the Arc Client?
Install Arc


  • I have been trying for over three hours to get logged on. At 3pm local time, I had no problems, but from 6 to now past 9 pm, as I try off an on from two different computers I can rarely get to the character selection (usually timeout to the login server), and when I get to the character selection I always timeout to the…
  • I have the same problem on Dragon, which seems to be mostly related to playing during USA prime time hours. While I haven't tested the other servers (I guess I should), it would be rude to suggest that the server for Dragon is actually a Rasperry Pi doing double duty as a media server for one of the devs, so I won't.
  • At the log-in window, click on options. In the pop-up window that shows up, select "force verify". It will then verify when you log in. Additionally, at least to me, it seemed one of the things that caused crashes on zoning seemed to be related to long load times. Selecting "Disable on-demand patching" eased (though didn't…
  • Both of my toons got bitten by this bug, because I was playing around while I was at work (on my lunch break, I swear, boss!) before I found out about this bug. This is a show stopper for me.
  • An easy way to deal with this would be to allow the log to have a directory assigned for it, managed through the configuration. My SSD would certainly appreciate not being hammered all the time.
  • I still have two toons locked up on alchemy because I completed the level up task using the Gateway. I would gladly not worry about the AD on the gateway if I could still level up my toons. Gateway is a great idea, but the implementation is... lacking.
  • And immediately after posting that message, I am finally able to get in on with one character (but still not the one I want to log in so I don't lose his celestial coins).
  • Usually when the internal error: redirect failed error occurs persistently, it means the servers are down. However, today (about between 4:00 and 5:00 am California time), I am able to log into gateway.playneverwinter.com without any problems at all, but attempts to log into the game server are fruitless. Over 20 attempts…
  • This situation has me very much hoping that they can figure out how to kick back only to the character select screen instead of all the way back to the log in screen. Changing toons really hurts at the moment, since it can be easily 10 minutes before I am able to log back in with my second toon. Thank heavens they…
  • I am trying to use the game client at home on my desktop and getting the same issue. After 10 attempts or so, I might finally be allowed in. Trying to log in a different toon sometimes seems to help, but that might just be luck. Additionally, trying to run the game from my notebook (from home or work, my work doesn't…