Have you ever thought that perhaps they don't want you testing them all systemically, and that by keeping things ambiguous that it makes them more money. Just a thought.
Go in the Trade of Blades in PE.....take off all equip, mounts, companions, etc. Buy the wooden main hand for your class from the vendor and put it on. Wooden weapon gives flat dmg numbers. Record the numbers, then equip a %dmg item and check again....
Overwelming negative player reaction to this, everywhere I have looked. It hasn't even hit console yet and players are leaving. Very sad. There does seem to be a very small minority that likes these changes to whom I would say 'don't forget to turn off the lights'.
Ignore him, he has already stated that we are all hard headed and do not know what we are talking about. Don't fret tho, there is an overwhelming amount of disappoinment with the combat rework, so hopefully they will make some more changes.
I thought the zones would not be scaled at all, just dungeons, trials, etc. ? Maybe someone needs to go back and read Thomas Foss' apology letter to the community after the first iteration of the mod 16 scaling changes. What is the point to progress in this game if you constantly get scaled back to where you were? Only an…
Not gonna buy this until the developers, or community-MANAGER, clarify the issues that have been raised in the above posts....I would suggest nobody else buys it either until then. Just a safe bet,
Companion XP items can be traded in for.....what exactly? Very strange how some players have been buying these all up, even tho they were scheduled to be made useless once the companion changes go live. Things that make you go.....hmmmmm
Didn't they JUST release Holy Vorpal....and charge people for it if you did not grind your butt off to get it for free being in top 100 ? Wow....that's a kick in the you know where to all those players.
Why do I get the impression this is a battle between the have and have-nots? The free to play players are worried they might have to wait longer to get their ad exchanged for zen because of the looming bondings > ad exchange. Here's a novel idea - why not buy some Zen with real world currency and get it right away? You…
The already announced changes are bad enough on the player base, now you're suggesting removing or limiting the Bondings > AD exchange? After they have already announced the changes, posted the AD values, and imposed no limts. So players that decided to rank up Bondings or purchase off the ah, even after these changes were…
If I had a nickel for everytime you threatened to quit.....sigh. It is probably an unintentional bug, give them time to respond publicly about the situation.
Related to travelling speed you say? Nonsense... Teleported into Citadel, WALKED up the ramp into Zariel's chamber, in order to avoid this common bluescreen area.....nevertheless, I bluescreened as soon as I set foot in the main rotunda. I'm done with the game until you people fix the issue. Unless someone feels like…
Seems rather odd, doesn't it? How did this so-called 'bug' even happen I wonder. More importantly I wonder if this was really a bug after all and instead wasn't just a trial test of how badly the players would react. Anyone think so? My guess is that a lot of players who can't compete on the ah, and get tired of being…
Similar question......who controls the actual drop rates? Who sets the percentages on lockbox odds, loot tables, etc. Does Cryptic control this or is it the publisher Perfect World? How much input does Perfect World corporate offices have in the design process? The players would like to know. I sure would.... I mean to…