Up to you. Contents can be good, Dragon Eggs, Astral Diamonds, Other profession resources. Though selling them on AH is good as well. 58 pcs will net you about 250K AD as well. Choice is up to you.
Foundry is the best place to farm imo. There is a quest called the Crucible of ........ ( something ) or the crucible challange it was. This is a 30 wave combat based trial, with several bosses in it. A run usually takes about 20 mins, and rewards between 5 ~ 11 gifts. There is also a set of foundry quests called Asassins…
Getting scared reading all this here. Just collected my level up for alchemy via the gateway as well. Didn't think this was still an issue. I did level up from 2 to 3. So am i safe now ? No chance to log into game client here at work, so i use the gateway a lot just to keep the jobs going.
Gateway is "bugged". AD's are gathered and automatically refined. Only thing is that they don't show in the gateway totals until you actually log in to the game client. So no need to worry, once you're back and log in you will find all your AD to be there correctly.
Experienced this as well yesterday. I think the problem lies in the fact that your farther into mt hotenow. When i was in the second questing area the notification didn't work, and no counter and such. But when i walked back to the starting quest area it did work, and all mephits i cought already where in the counter. So i…
+1 here for a delete all button, very frustrating to delete everything manually. BTW if it crashes ingame, maybe try to log in via the gateway to delete from there. Also, my mail icon keeps going off like i've got new mail if i opened my box in game. Don't know if that was reported already.
Maybe something that if you leave a dungeon prematurely you can't join the queue again for a set amount of time. Problem is how are you going to filter people leaving with and without consent from the rest of the group. If only leaving via the gate after the boss is the correct way, then how to fix a wiping party that…
Confirmed here as well. Luckily i logged in this morning after seeing this. Difference was 1600 x 3 in AD. Currently at work and queued up for 8 hour jobs so that i can log in at home and collect. Don't think this will be fixed, seeing that it's only a 5 day event.
I've been wondering the same thing. 90% of the time i get the Peanut Labs offers, which suck. But sometimes it switches to Sponsor Pay, which achtually pays out really nice. I want to do more offers but i can't seem to get the SponsorPay one's lately. Used to be that when i switched from English to German laguage the adds…
I tought this was a bug as well. But it took me some time to figure out, and yesterday i deceided to keep track of all AD jobs i do via the gateway at work. I made 4K rough AD yesterday with some leadership jobs. And i logged in at home, and there were no AD. But i kept track of my refined AD pool as well, and there was…
I've been noticing this as of late as well. During a workday i always have my browser open to keep the jobs going. But i had a gut feeling that i was missing the rough AD's from leadership jobs. I've not been able to verify this 100%, but today i kept track of my rough AD's. I'll check as soon as i can log into the game…
A total of 30 boxes or so done here. Pretty good rewards, but some HAMSTER as well. 1 cola ward 4 men-at-arms 1 adventurer 2 dragon eggs and last night i finally got a phoera. Just under 500 trade bars now I can't complain overall. got all my zen doing free offers and earning $10,- gamecards here : <Removed URL> Rewards…