I agree that the "bowed" ranger is what is needed, what I meant is that it is silly for a ranger to keep shooting his bow at point blank and not draw a melee set of weapons. In fact, I miss that in this game on every class. Why can't a fighter throw some daggers to draw enemies to himself or to hit ranged enemies? In every…
I'm going to add my voice to the cries for Rangers. However, I don't want them to be archers. I love the versatility of a melee/ranged ranger, so I really wish they don't forget that rangers are NOT simply archers. There are also two weapon fighting rangers and also beastmaster rangers (though I really have no hope to see…
Did anyone test Gladiator Mage's set bonus after the latest patch? Supposedly the patch solved cooldown reduction issues and the set bonus is one such issue...
As for the add-galore in here, who doesn't love it!? This way we have absolutely no time to check how miserably weak the bosses themselves are! Glorified meatbags I'd say...
This really is somewhat of a let down. Not that I loose anything special in the downtime, but it is still kind of a crappy Token... Some AD or even some Zen would be preferable. Heck even a good looking cape would be nice instead of this silly one. >_< I'll wait and see for stats and effects of these items... *sigh*
I'm not saying for the dragon to one-shoot anyone that dares cross his way. There are plenty of ways to make a boss challenging without adding 300 adds. Just resort to the pen and paper version of d&d 4e in which Neverwinter is based. Basically, bosses have 5x more life, have a large resistance to ongoing effects, attack…
I actually find the dragon fight extremely sad. Not because it is too hard or too easy, but simply because the DRAGON himself is the easy part of the fight. I mean... It's a DRAGON! It is supposed to be able to handle the party on his own. Instead we get to ignore him most of the fight while we handle armies of adds like…