I absolutely love the new changes for chill BTW just to point that out, but I thought I'd offer another suggestion.
But it made me think of a similar chill mechanic that was in another MMO I've played that had stacking frost effects. In that game doing non ice dmg would remove stacks, however I thought instead of having chill stacks drop completely after 3 seconds (which feels terrible if for w/e reason you can't update your stacks you just lose them all), they would tic down in stacks 1 by 1, so for example : After 2 seconds of not being refreshed, you lose 1 chill stack, another 2 seconds, 1 more chill stack, etc.
Optionally the process could be sped up based on how much dmg the target is taking from non-cold dmg sources.
And if that's too good of a change it could replace the final feat for Oppressive which is a very "meh" feat for a pretty underwhelming feat tree. If going this route however, another "simpler" way could be to just boost the duration chills last from say 3 seconds to 5 seconds, that would make a solid feat.
Now to Icy Terrain, I was a bit let down by this ability since it sounded a lot better than it is, only applying chills every 1 second makes it very underwhelming by itself, and the dmg is also nothing special (though I expect that), what I'm really let down by is the Spell Mastery bonus it gets, it simply isn't good enough to give up another mastery spell for.
My suggestion : make it so that trail of ice you shoot out when using it in the Mastery Slot also becomes part of the Icy Terrain, this would make it perfect for using it against melee from ranged, instead of them just ignoring the miniscule slowing effects from 1-2 chill stacks and running out of it, running directly to you would keep them on the icy path.
It would also be great if the Glacial Movement feat (25% chance to apply extra chill on Ray of Frost) affected this encounter at maybe double the effect (50% chance to apply extra chill on Icy Terrain) since it tics every 1 seconds as opposed to every half second like Ray of Frost.
Some more suggestions to the Oppressive Tree : Personally I'd like to see all the dmg feats moved out of this tree considering we already have 2 paragon paths devoted completely to dmg feats, and we're really lacking control feats. And I'd like to see those feats replaced with feats that focus on our Arcane Control abilities so the tree altogether is just a pure "Control Tree".
Feat Suggestions :
Chilling Control (Sudden Storm, 50% chance to apply 1 chill on primary strike) : EXTREMELY weak feat lol, I took this feat banking on the wording of the feat (Apply STACKS of chill) hoping it would be more than 1, but alas it's 50% chance for ONE chill stack which is just pathetic.
It would be a lot more fun and interesting if it affected the dot portion of the skill, or if it was just made 100% chance for 1-2 chills instead. I'd also like to see this feat affect another ability
Cold Infusion (Chilled Targets do 5% less dmg) : A little underwhelming, I went with it to stack with Chilling Cloud just for fun, I was hoping it would be bugged like the Cleric's version so it would stack per chill which brings me to my suggestion : Make it 2-3% per chill stack instead, make use of the fun chill mechanics!
Alacrity (Killing targets with Chill reduce cooldown on Entangling/Icy Terrain) : I skipped this just because it's really PVE only and based on the wording probably not very reliable, maybe if it was instead : (Targets that die while chilled by you) it'd be better. But also considering you can't actually have more than 1 Icy Terrain down at a time it's usefulness is still diminished. Maybe it could be changed to proc every time you successfully FREEZE and enemy.
Shatter Strike (Ice Storm gains 5 chill / Chill Strike now applies 3 chill) : Boy what a stinker for a final feat of a feat tree. Mainly because feats that only affect Dailies are questionable, but also because this Daily isn't super useful, not to mention the fact that the 5 chill stacks will fall off by the time the targets land and get back up anyway and since they're spread from the knockback you can't really maintain them anyway. The Chill Strike one is ok, but it doesn't affect the splash from Mastery Chill Strike which
me, it's nice for stunlocking in pvp though.
I'd say either scrap this entirely and just make it completely buff the chill mechanic, or make it boost the chilling power of every Ice Encounter slightly. One suggestion for the Ice Storm part could be to make it so if if hits a target that has even 1 chill stack on them, it will just instantly freeze that target instead of knocking them back, followed by a Prone. Then it could make all ice encounters apply 1 chill stack on cast.
Chill needs some loving
Especially the oppressive tree.
Makes me sad considering I'm trying to play the class the way it was intended, instead it favors going glass cannon L33T deeps.
Well, if your first suggestion can't be implemented, longer duration would be the least.
Totally agreed.
Signed. Despite the fact how illogical this feat is, it's waaaay to weak. I would replace it altogether.
Agreed. At this point not even worth 1 feat point. And your suggestion is great.
GENERALLY I would like to see the Oppressor feats effects to be more useful with higher amounts of chill stacks, so CW's have more reason (besides freezing) to even use these cold control powers.
For this particular feat I would suggest a bit more than 2 - 3% per chill stack, so at max 5 feat points and max 6 chill stacks it would lower the damage by something like 20 - 25%. I don't think this would be too much / OP.
Agreed again. Or let it affect ALL cold encounters cooldowns by 1 sec. But even so I wouldn't see much use for this feat in PvP.
Yes, what a bad final. My suggestion would also be that all cold encounters / dailies (at-wills would be too OP) add an extra stack of chill, or two.
Another idea would be to lower the amout of chill stacks it needs to freeze. But on the other hand this would negatively affect powers / feat which relate to the amout of chill stacks (CoI, i.e.)
^this. The way it is now, I, as a TR, really hate CWs who use this in dungeons/etc.
A suggestion I'd think of is to apply this to NPCs only to keep the knockback for PvP usage?
I would have that feat make Conduit of Ice mastery by default. Conduit of ice is chill bread and butter but having to use it as Mastery kills ice best dps tool Chill strike ... So haveing Conduit as Mastery even if not slotted so would enable a good dps increase as well as encourage the use of chill synergies...
some are at Thau:
Elemental Empowerment - Your Cold Encounter Spells also deal 6/12/18/24/30% of your weapon damage over time to their target. Arcane Encounter Spells weaken a target's defenses by 2/4/6/8/10% for 3 seconds
Assailing Force - Your Conduit of Ice power now reduces the Mitigation of affected targets by 15%
Frozen Power Transfer - Chilling Cloud now grants 1/2/3/4/5% bonus damage for every target you strike with its third strike. (This bonus lasts for 8 seconds and is reset if you cast the third strike of chilling Cloud again)
Transcended Master - Shard of Endless Avalanche deals an additional 3/6/9/12/15% damage. (Icy Rays deals an additional 4/8/12/16/20% damage if cast on the same target twice)
one at renegade:
Chilling Advantage - When you have Chilling Presence slotted, your Cold spells have 1/2/3/4/5% more chance to crit
OPPRESSOR, crowd control? NO, cold/chill empowerment NO. so what is oppressor really for?
while other paragon can still somewhat crowd control, and make use of cold feats.
Even 100%, so the full 800 weapon damage oT , would be too less to be relevant. I suggest to bind this 30% to the damage of the power.
For example: Chill Strike does 3000 damage, deal 900 DoT; Chill Strike does 5000 damage, deal 1500 DoT.
I'm a resistant CW using Oppression, but this line really needs help...
It's sad as it is now.