I have a similar thing going on between my main and my alt. On my main, I haven't had a sparkley trail or had to use an injury kit in over a month. But on my alt, everything works fine. I think there's something going on that cause people's main characters to bug out.
Yeah, I joined a few guilds prior to this one and had minimal contact with them. Keepers of the Forgotten was the only guild I joined that reached out to me and got me running dungeons, mdemo, you name it with them. They helped me respec my build and now I feel good zerging dungeons with a solid group. All I can say is…
They're supposed to be improving the rng from chests. Been watching Kaligold (he's a streamer) run tests in Preview with mixed results. Hopefully the loot from chests will make all worth it.
You probably had a previous quest you didn't complete. Abandon any blue quest in your journal. Don't abandon yellow. That has worked for me in the past. Good luck.
Same thing happened to me. I got around this by abandoning the quests I didn't complete, and picking them up again. I was able to access the the questable areas after that. Good luck.
It's rng sadly... next time you're in the profession menu, read the fine print at the bottom of the screen. Best way to improve your chances at 3 crates is to purchase the blue cart from the event vendor, which will give you a 24% chance to get more than one.
I checked the reward vendor this morning and got s treasure trove. Sadly it wasn't there for my other toons. Got some nice enchants, refine gem and stronghold currency. You should go check the rewards claim vendor. I'm curious if this was something I got from a quest or did everyone else get one too?
Downloaded the patch and got the error. Deleted the game and re-installed. Took about 40 minutes for me. But I have 150mb fios. Back in the saddle killing things and enjoying the update. Love the changes so far!
I didn't start the download until about 1:15 PST today. Will I still have to delete and reinstall When I get home from work? Really enjoying the game btw.
Hi. I've been looking to join a guild and you guys sound great. Im a lvl 70 DC but still pretty new with only a 2100 gear score. My psn is Jib_mj. I'm on every night and weekends PST.
While playing another game, a buddy said he needed to get off that game and go work on his Neverwinter build. I told him I've heard about Neverwinter and asked if It was a Moba like league of legends and he said no, it's more like World of Warcraft. I was immediately interested. I downloaded the game and haven't played the…