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  • Or even before the 1st push...
  • Yes, I figured this out in my very first match. However, you almost always have to fight to capture a point and if you're seriously undergeared compared to the opponent you are going to lose. No amount of player skill can make up for a significant gear difference.
  • Did you read my post? I am one of the newbies. I don't have any T2 gear - i just found my first matching T1 set piece last night (woohoo: 2 pieces from the same set gives me a HP bonus!). I have no weapon or armor enchantments (I've tried making some but the 1% success rate means it'll be 2099 before I get one success).…
  • I understand your point. While player skill certainly drives outcome, an improved matching making system that evens out GS or an alternate queue for die-hard PvPers may make it unnecessary. As it is though, too many people join a PvP session and never lift a finger: they only want their AD and they laugh while the rest of…
  • Because it ruins the experience for the folks who, you know, came to actually play; not sip their coffee and check FB while the rest of the team dies. If you're there just to get your AD then you're not playing, your camping. Go get in a group of 4 other campers and be bored together! Here's your macro: "/lfg lf4m to camp…
  • As I see it, PvP has two problems. 1. completely unbalanced match making I am relatively new to the game (playing since January) and joined a guild very shortly after dinging to 60. I only have one toon and I'm a casual player so I cannot sit on the computer all day and night and collect epic gear. Forget gearing…