Aye im a GF master , and since Mod 4 dropped i HAVEN'T played pvp or Neverwinter for that matter . Thing is afaik CWs are bugged atm and prior to that the key to defeating them is and always will be anticipate , analyze , bait , and last but NOT least assault. Bait out those dodges , watch those hand casts , then HOP! on…
Those items that say they reduce defense isnt actually a defense reduction they are actually a flat % damage buff...Also never stack your defense past 3500 even though thats quite hard with a GF , and if your guard is broken you're blocking too much plain and simple ; BLOCK ONLY (HARD HITTING) Encounters!...and all…
Ok then ill share one of my all too common ones. So i queue up and after waiting like 5 mins i finally get a match and was the game sorts out the teams im checking my team GS . I had 15.5k GS and the rest of my team had 9k and below so i shrug and say heck ill give them the benefit of the doubt. I checked the scoreboard…
With target lock , you get like 1.5 secs to spam a skill and thats more than enough time to get one off , and secondly about the weapon enchants yes a DOTS does send a small shimmer behind you guys momentarily but again like 1.5-2 secs max. Last i checked though when proned while in stealth it messes up you guys rotation…
Well if you actually knew how Fox Cunning worked since you think you know so much , when an encounter actually LANDS the HR recieve no damage but he does recieve the CC effects...didnt watch ALL the video cause its redonk but i definitely seen him NOT recieve any cc effect after eating those ccs...:o
Come on guy. We already are underpowered as it is , what more can you ask for? What you want them to increase all our encounters by 10 secs base and reduce our DR by 20%? maybe that'll satisfy you sheesh.
http://nwcalc.com/gf?b=cn4:13ydj4:13ydj4,19i352i:1uz051:100000:155000&h=0&p=ivn Go Dwarf or Halfling , shoot for 22-25+ CON 22-25+ STR 15+ DEX Key to Victory? : Block Only Encounters. Other than that your shield should be down regening like a boss.
Instigator's Vengeance Your damage is increased by 50%(Up from 12%) , but taking direct damage will disable this bonus for 2 seconds (Down from 3). As soon as they nerf the buffs created in mod 3.
Whatever you do DONT mix and match the pvp sets , the 10%+ MS and 25%+ Shield added is massive...so many Ice Knifes , IBS , Shockings , AoDs , FS blocked i lost count. Remember , dont sit there and hold your shield up , your doing it wrong lol. Save it for clutch situations such as a timed encounter .
Trick to OBLITERATE such mages are i know sounds counter intuitive, but block little as possible AND make it your mission to block the Ray of Frost , he usually will initiate with Chill Strike or Ice Rays , Entangling Force and then some more beams followed by repel or eventually a Shard. Once you learn those casting…
I dont see the problem , you can't exactly be beat by 3 people alone so either another 1 or entire team must gank you to even remotely have a chance ;)