I work two Jobs plus full time school and I have a BIG issue with making lvl 60 within 3 weeks time... It IS too fast. If you are a power leveler only after grinding end game dungeons to be a cool kid I can see your point on this comment. But I for one like to PLAY the game not just plug in a Game Genie and beat the…
I don't get how balancing becomes a nerf? If you want OP go buy a game genie, if you came to actually play a game not on easy mode, then let them do what they can to balance things. Entitlement is not a right, even in a video game lol
While I am "guilty" of partying up for skirmishes and dungeons, the story line for questing is actually really cool. I enjoy solo play on this game more than I did on any other MMO I have played. I have not played many, but this is a story line I like, and one I have familiarity with as the game is in my type of genre when…
As a gwf I am still lvling towards 60 but I have issues with everyone else using knock back effects as soon as I use the come and get it to line them up for my max damage potential...just a challenge of the trade, or is there something better to use?
I think it is a great apology, when I honestly feel they owe us nothing. SO long as the cash commando's get their AD and Zen etc to the proper levels. People whining about grinding 7 hours and losing levels/items etc obviously have another 7 hours in them to re-grind it. It is not like WoW when it first came out where it…
indeed. Agreeable. I worked my butt off to get where I am at but it seems to be a big tipping point that is hard to recover from and it seems enough pay to play players will walk that it will make a dent
I have had only one day of playing when my ID scrolls were not as many as my unidentified... and 90% of those unidentified items were not for m class anyhow so I sold them for the 49 copper. If you quest and grind a little there is no problem with scrolls that I have noticed. If you are Identifying red items just to sell…
I wish there was a way to mess with foundry while the server was down :/ Would give me time to mess with it since I get too into the game to stop and concentrate on making the quests ;)