It is very easy to get the first pet in the Sword Coast Adventures. I would call it free. Also, there are white pets on the AH for very low diamond prices.
If you level up your leadership on all your toons, you will eventually have the money. Until then, don't level any pets up. Buy a cheap purple pet until you can afford more.
Pretty difficult even with all purples. I'd say not with blues, and no chance at all with greens. Possibly with three purples and a blue. You need at least one high level toon with many sword dice and one with many key dice. My dire wolf is my best friend in Tier 6 (it has both).
Nevertheless, statistics are a well known and respected way of converting the unknown into the known. 1111 is a large sample size, and I am happy to go with it. A simple calculation will yield a 95 and 99% confidence interval, but until someone does, I am happy to go with 4%.
1.8-1.9% damage when you have combat advantage. If 50% of your damage is while you are in CA, the overall damage boost would be 0.9%. Did I understand correctly?
If 50-60% of your damage is done while you have CA, then your CA bonus damage will be 6.5%-7.8% of your total (assuming CA bonus is 15%). The blink dog will add 5% to that, or 0.3% to 0.4% of your damage. This assumes that the blink dog adds 5% to your CA bonus damage, not 5% to your total CA damage.
You are right about the acolyte. I don't know why I missed it. If you usually have one stack on the rust monster, isn't that 5% damage reduction? I'm still throwing Dire Wolf in there, even if no-one else agrees. :P Cat Acolyte Dire Wolf Appear no brainers to me. That leaves Rust Monster <- 5% damage reduction unless I…
Not an issue for me - I will have as many pets as I can get. :D Yep. However, you're only gettng 10% when you're down in that range. If you get killed, the mob has only done 3.5% more damage in total. As I said, the dire wolf should save you 5% or more. If you've been controlled for two seconds, ther pig has saved you…
It seems like a boss might trigger four times if the proc doesn't expire, but you're probably right. I'm liking it (dire wolf) so far. I'm not as excited about the honey badger or cave bear as you. Both are worth about 3% on your hit points I think. (I'm not in the end game, yet, so you will probably know better than I.)…
I don't believe it says. However, based on behavior, I would have to believe it is on any power use. As I said (and I think Shadow meant) it seems to proc a lot more than you would think. Edit: It might proc on hit, which could cause multiple chances for an interrupt on certain powers.
Yes, although I have never measured it, it sure seems to proc a lot. I have seen three or four flybys on screen at once. It is pretty nice to see: INTERRUPT! INTERRUPT! INTERRUPT! INTERRUPT! over the mob. :D Of course (as I said) my wife and I both have the wolf. I wonder what a five-man team with dire wolves would do.
Anecdotally, I would take a look at the dire wolf. I've taken no measurements, but with my wife and I both running one, interrupts seems to proc a lot.
Never played the CW, but would [Vicious Dire Wolf] 5% chance to Interrupt your target or [Hunting Hawk] On At-will Use Damage bonus increases as the range increases with a maximum of +7/10% bonus damage at 100' be useful to one?
I don't think it's worth it, but that's me. Unique Moon Elf Race - New Race = so what? Elves don't excite me. Unique Dawn Unicorn Mount = worthless to me, I alreayd have an account-wide mount. Unique Sylph Companion = Pretty cool. Looks nice, but no real need for it. I'd pay $5.00. Unique Moonsilver Regalia Fashion Set =…
I'm looking at it this way. I think the pack is priced way too high, but on the other hand, there is nothing in there I need to play the game. PWE can adjust the price so they maximize the revenues. I think they would make more money with a lower price, but it is their choice. Since I don't need it, I'm not buying it. The…
I find Neverwinter hard to rate. Objectively, it doesn't offer that much - call it a 7.0. Subjectively, though, I find that I enjoy it more than that. I like the combat. I like feeling powerful. I like assigning skill points. It brings many things to the table that Diablo III missed on. Overall, I am calling it an 8.0. A…