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jedimaster91#2927 Arc User


  • I love my Rogue. It's a little more melee DPS than I typically like, but I love the stealth mechanic. I do spend more time dodging than fighting a lot of times, but I'm ok with that. Rogues are more harassers than brawlers. Frankly I don't care that much about the scoreboards. They create players who get too obsessed with…
  • That happened to me as well. Cleared out some stuff in the inventory and then I was able to complete the quest just fine.
  • The rng hates me. Always has, probably always will. I was quite surprised to get enough stones to upgrade one of my artifacts from the Dread Ring dailies. And they haven't dropped since which is less surprising to me. Is there a way to appease the rng? Blood sacrifices? Rain dance? Gregorian chants?
  • I only have EE complete as well. The rest I'm slowly slogging through. Mostly I'm running Sharandar and Dread Ring with the occasional Underdark or Maze Engine. I'm staying out of Well of Dragons for now until I can upgrade some of my gear. I'm dying too much, lol.
  • null Perhaps not but the hero does have access to more than the handful of skills we have on the hotbar. I don't swap out my skills very often since I'm a strictly dps class and have a build that works for me. But I can see how other classes would want the option. Especially the option to switch between healing and damage.
  • null I played another MMO that would allow different builds. One for dps and one for support, PvE and PvP, bosses and mobs etc via an armory system. Something like that would be nice.
  • I played a controller in DCUO so I'm used to being the one doing pickups. If I can get to you, I'll pick you up. But I'm not running into the middle of a mob to do it cuz that just gets us both killed. I'm a rogue and I'm squishy, lol. I also didn't need a tutorial to tell me red = death. I thought that was pretty much…
  • As a fairly fresh level 70, yes, it's overwhelming. Right now I'm slogging through the EE campaign because I can get through content without constantly dying. There's no real way to tell what the natural progression is. Another mmo I used to play had a tier system and players couldn't even access content they weren't…
  • > @mebengalsfan#9264 said: > Is the community in need of healers more than tanks or is it the other way around? Or is it still to early to tell? > > It's an MMO. Healers and Tanks are always in high demand because the average player is going to be dps. > > > This is true. With how this game works you may pick a DC but it…