The dagger does not hit harder, but it can do more damage than a greatsword in certain situations. Many factors define how and when the situation can occur, but daggers do less base damage (1d4 was how they used to hit, 2d6 for greatswords.) Even then, it was theoretically possible for a dagger to out damage a greatsword…
1 - we are in closed beta. 2 - things can change. 3 - in open beta, things can change. 4 - after release, things can change. 5 - during beta, things have already changed. Trickster Rogues are fine as-is (opinion) and clerics are not so useful according to the style of many current MMOs, but that doesn't mean that NWO…
As seen, some people define multiboxing differently. Multiboxing itself is not the problem, but can be easily grouped into the same basket as botting. Clearly defining the TOS to allow multiple non-automated clients (one AFK, one active) seems fine to me and would be a legitimate style of gaming (to allow some interesting…
This is beta people and if you have been in the previous beta weekends you will see that there are definitely options that have not been implemented yet but are visible that allow for more customisation. The is a race slot *cough* Drow *cough* on the character creation screen that is not named yet and there are skill trees…
I experienced major lag when I came back to the hub many times. There were 100s of people running around though, so to be expected. Instanced locations like Blacklake and the tower district always ran smooth as did Cloak Tower. - Jasc
I think that the heart of the discussions is how can we make sure the cream rises to the top... We already have a swag of suggestions that will promote the good content. The 4-star pit of doom is not the be-all-and-end-all of finding good content and the community has already identified that fansite reviews are going to be…
O_O Quite a read indeed! Some good points raised and discussed, but I would just like to throw another idea on the table... why not make content that YOU and YOUR FRIENDS would like to play and let the masses hustle in the pit of madness? Not everyone wants to be a high profile module superstar (admittedly many do.) I…